When you are in a party or event with your boss and co-workers, having a red face after drinking a bottle of beer can be very embarrassing. Of course, you don't want to ruin your career and social life by appearing to be drunk with redness. But what can you do if you are caught in such situation?
How to get rid of red face from alcohol
1.            Antacids (Pepcid AC and Zantac)
There is a consensus in the scientific community that taking antacids help prevent redness and flushing when drinking alcohol. Asian flush Pepcid AC and Zantac is the formulation for antacids and it should be noted that these are pharmaceutical products. And like any other pharmaceutical products, it would be safer to consult your medical practitioner before taking these substances as you may experience allergic reactions or other complications. It should also be noted that Asian flush can be a symptom of a more serious health disease, thus you should not immediately take any medication without proper consultation from your physician. If you have been experiencing flushing, then you may also want to consider undergoing a physical check up to determine any disease that you may be suffering.
2.    Herbal and Dietary Supplements
The market is now flooded with herbal supplements and remedies that aim to reduce red face from alcohol. For example, Sunset Asian Flush is one of the most popular and preferred brands that effectively treat Asian flush. Nevertheless, as a point of caution you should take into consideration a brand's trustworthiness. Although herbal supplements are effective remedies, not all products in the market are effective and reliable. In taking herbal supplements, make sure that you make your own research as to the quality and effectiveness of the product as well as the reliability of the manufacturer.
3.    Taking Care of Your Body
It is a common misconception that Asian flush only affects people with Asian descent including people from China, Korea and Japan. However, this is not actually the case as this condition affects people with genetic problems dealing with alcohol and it can be traced to DNA transcription. In essence, everyone should observe healthy living and should take good care of their bodies to prevent embarrassing redness and flushing when drinking alcohol.
This method basically involves eating the right type of food in order for the body to properly metabolize and break down alcohol. Remember that it is not just about taking all sorts of pills and antacids, but also building and strengthening your body against any health conditions.
Asian flush is a condition not exclusive to Asians and thus affects everyone. Remember also that Asian flush can be a symptom of a more serious disease. With this, we should be able to know the different ways how we could prevent or treat this condition. True enough there are supplements available in the market today to address the problem, but there is no better way than to observe a healthy lifestyle and to drink in moderation.


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