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1000 years of productivity: the JRebel story

1000 years of productivity: the JRebel story

Anton Arhipov

April 16, 2014

More Decks by Anton Arhipov

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  1. Classes Libraries OldClassLoader NewClassLoader Sevlet New Classes New Libraries Sevlet

    Session Session init() App State App State Serialize/deserialize
  2. Class loaders are good for isolation, but suck at reloading

    the code … (and perfect for memory leaks)
  3. M. Dmitriev. Safe class and data evolution in large and

    long-lived java[tm] applications. Technical report, Mountain View, CA, 2001.
  4. HotSwap JRebel Changing method bodies Adding/removing methods Adding/removing constructors Adding/removing

    fields Adding/removing annotations Changing superclass Adding/removing interfaces
  5. ClassA +field1 +field2 +field3 +method1(n:int) +method2(s:String) +method3(z:double) ClassA +field1 +field2

    +field3 +proxy methods ClassA0 +method1(n:int) +method2(s:String) +method3(z:double) Transformer
  6. public class C extends X {! int y = 5;!

    int method1(int x) {! return x + y;! }! void method2(String s) {! System.out.println(s);! }! }!
  7. public class C extends X {! int y = 5;!

    int method1(int x) {! Object[] o = new Object[1];! o[0] = x;! return Runtime.redirect(this, o, "C", "method1", "(I)I");! }! void method2(String s) {! Object[] o = new Object[1];! o[0] = s;! return Runtime.redirect(! this, o, "C", "method2", "(Ljava/lang/String;)V");! }! }
  8. public abstract class C0 {! public static int method1(C c,

    int x) {! int tmp1 = Runtime.getFieldValue(c, "C", "y", "I");! return x + tmp1;! }! public static void method2(C c, String s) {! PrintStream tmp1 = Runtime.getFieldValue(! null, "java/lang/System", "out", "Ljava/io/PrintStream;");! Object[] o = new Object[1];! o[0] = s;! Runtime.redirect(! tmp1, o, "java/io/PrintStream;", "println", ! "(Ljava/lang/String;)V");! }! }!
  9. public class C extends X {! int y = 5;!

    int method1(int x) {! return x + y;! }! //...! }! public class C extends X {! int y = 5;! int z() {! return 10;! }! int method1(int x) {! return x + y + z();! }! //...! }
  10. public class C1 {! public static int z(C c) {!

    return 10;! }! public static int method1(C c, int x) {! int tmp1 = Runtime.getFieldValue(c, "C", "y", "I");! int tmp2 = Runtime.redirect(c, null, "C", "z", "(V)I");! return x + tmp1 + tmp2;! }! //...! }
  11. static { } Adding new static fields Removing static fields

    Changing values of static fields Factories etc
  12. package a;! public class A { ! int say() {return

    1;}! }! ! ! package a;! class Test {! public static void main(String args[]) {! a.A a = new b.B();! System.out.println(a.say());! }! } package b;! public class B extends a.A {! int say() {return 2;}! }! !
  13. import java.lang.instrument.ClassFileTransformer;! import java.lang.instrument.Instrumentation;! ! public class Agent {! public

    static void premain(String args, Instrumentation inst)! throws Exception {! inst.addTransformer(new ClassFileTransformer { });! }! } java –javaagent:agent.jar … META-INF/MANIFEST.MF Premain-Class: Agent
  14. new ClassFileTransformer() {! public byte[] transform(ClassLoader loader, ! String className,!

    Class<?>classBeingRedefined,! ProtectionDomain protectionDomain, ! byte[] classfileBuffer){! ! ClassPool cp = ClassPool.getDefault();! CtClass ct = cp.makeClass(new ! ByteArrayInputStream(classfileBuffer));! ! transformClass(ct, cp); ! ! return ct.toBytecode();! }! }!
  15. new ClassFileTransformer() {! public byte[] transform(ClassLoader loader, ! String className,!

    Class<?>classBeingRedefined,! ProtectionDomain protectionDomain, ! byte[] classfileBuffer){! ! ClassPool cp = ClassPool.getDefault();! CtClass ct = cp.makeClass(new ! ByteArrayInputStream(classfileBuffer));! ! transformClass(ct, cp); ! ! return ct.toBytecode();! }! }!
  16. @Path(“/”) public String foo() { return “Foo”; } @Path(“/foobar”) public

    String foo() { return “FooBar”; } JRebel core JRebel Spring plugin
  17. http://zeroturnaround.com/company/case-studies/ “Team velocity was increased by 40.6%, and according to

    t-test it was a statistically significant difference.” “Netty and Spring together with JRebel is real pleasure to work with. The value of time saved is over 50% of my development time.”