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The biggest unoptimized variable impacting your team's success

The biggest unoptimized variable impacting your team's success

Just as having the wrong CEO can impact a company's ability to hit its business goals, someone who doesn’t have lacks the right characteristics to lead growth similarly won't be able to execute on growth effectively.

This is important because when it comes to how we act at work, we all have traits and habits, different ways we think, and how we react to situations.

For the first time, there is now data from my research on work style patterns of great growth leads and what that means for the effectiveness of your growth program.

Takeaway 1: Common behavioral patterns of growth leads
Takeaway 2: Work style characteristics of growth leads (strengths & cautions)
Takeaway 3: Strategic priorities of growth leads & their impact on the rest of the team

Anuj Adhiya

November 09, 2023

Other Decks in Marketing & SEO


  1. The biggest unoptimized variable impacting your team’s success Anuj Adhiya

    Author, Growth Hacking for Dummies Speakerdeck.com/anujadhiya @AnujAdhiya
  2. Hypothesis #1 People that lead growth efforts have a specific

    work style pattern #brightonSEO @AnujAdhiya
  3. Innovative, “outside the box” thinker, undaunted by failure 3 Most

    Common Work Styles Maverick @AnujAdhiya #brightonSEO
  4. 3 Most Common Work Styles Maverick Responds positively to challenges

    and pressure Visionary that includes people in the planning Goal-oriented @AnujAdhiya #brightonSEO
  5. Highly independent & persistent, while remaining results-oriented 3 Most Common

    Work Styles Individualist @AnujAdhiya #brightonSEO
  6. 3 Most Common Work Styles Drives change & challenges status

    quo Creative problem solver Goal-oriented Individualist @AnujAdhiya #brightonSEO
  7. Risk-taking, socially poised & motivating team builder 3 Most Common

    Work Styles Persuader @AnujAdhiya #brightonSEO
  8. 3 Most Common Work Styles Drives change and challenges status

    quo Motivating, stimulating communicator Proactive & results-oriented Persuader @AnujAdhiya #brightonSEO
  9. Hypothesis #2 People that lead growth efforts have work styles

    that focus on innovation & agility #brightonSEO @AnujAdhiya
  10. @AnujAdhiya Team Cultures #brightonSEO Flexibility, adapting to new & unexpected

    challenges Pushing forward despite uncertainty #brightonSEO
  11. @AnujAdhiya Growth Team Culture Nimble, flexible, creative Prioritize speed over

    completeness Not about perfection #brightonSEO #brightonSEO
  12. @AnujAdhiya Growth Team Culture Spend time inventing & iterating Take

    risks, make mistakes & learn Always finding new ways of doing things #brightonSEO #brightonSEO
  13. @AnujAdhiya Novelty New ideas/products/ ways of working Thrives on originality,

    latest & greatest ideas #brightonSEO Growth Team Values #brightonSEO
  14. @AnujAdhiya Exploration Up-to-date on developments within & outside their fields

    Keep an open mind, experiment to see if ideas have potential #brightonSEO Growth Team Values #brightonSEO
  15. @AnujAdhiya Flexibility Adapt to short & fast changing timelines, new

    & unexpected demands, and rapid changes in the marketplace #brightonSEO Growth Team Values #brightonSEO
  16. @AnujAdhiya Enthusiastic Can’t come up with new & creative ideas

    without a passionate, positive, eager team #brightonSEO Growth Team Behaviors #brightonSEO
  17. @AnujAdhiya How team members work together: Goal oriented & impatient

    for results? Cooperative & relaxed? #brightonSEO #brightonSEO
  18. @AnujAdhiya Driven by vision & readiness to risk it all

    Entrepreneurial spirit & creative problem-solving Distribution of 30+ Growth Leads #brightonSEO #brightonSEO
  19. @AnujAdhiya Telling Style: Opinions will be loud & come fast

    Impact on Team Communication #brightonSEO #brightonSEO
  20. @AnujAdhiya Telling Style: Assertive and to the point & then

    moving on to the next topic quickly Impact on Team Communication #brightonSEO #brightonSEO
  21. @AnujAdhiya Innovating Style: Fast-paced, willing to take charge & try

    things in new and unique ways Impact on Team Action #brightonSEO #brightonSEO
  22. @AnujAdhiya Justifying Style: Everyone has an opinion & there’s no

    shame in sharing it Impact on Team Decision Making #brightonSEO #brightonSEO
  23. @AnujAdhiya Justifying Style: Confidently & vocally challenge status quo &

    each other to arrive at the best decision Impact on Team Decision Making #brightonSEO
  24. How do you balance the need to get things done

    vs finding better ways to do them? Questions to identify great growth people @AnujAdhiya #brightonSEO
  25. How did you handle a situation where you need to

    deliver something with very few guidelines? @AnujAdhiya #brightonSEO Questions to identify great growth people
  26. Tell me about a time you had to change directions

    quickly. How did you respond? What was the outcome? @AnujAdhiya #brightonSEO Questions to identify great growth people
  27. Tell me about a time that your solution to a

    problem may have been different than what had been done before? @AnujAdhiya #brightonSEO Questions to identify great growth people
  28. Hypothesis #3 Work style strengths of people that lead growth

    efforts are not enough to execute on strategic priorities of growth teams #brightonSEO @AnujAdhiya