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Archer Season 11 Episode 3
Arielle Kim
February 15, 2021
Archer Season 11 Episode 3
Storyboards for Archer Season 11 Episode 3
Arielle Kim
February 15, 2021
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Action Notes INT. VAULT - CONTINUOUS The walls have significantly
closed in on the gang.
Action Notes INT. VAULT - CONTINUOUS The walls have significantly
closed in on the gang.
Dialog ARCHER So we?re just gonna rely on two people
who I?d bet couldn?t even get through a Highlights magazine to solve this death puzzle?!
Dialog ARCHER So we?re just gonna rely on two people
who I?d bet couldn?t even get through a Highlights magazine to solve this death puzzle?!
Dialog ARCHER So we?re just gonna rely on two people
who I?d bet couldn?t even get through a Highlights magazine to solve this death puzzle?!
Dialog ARCHER So we?re just gonna rely on two people
who I?d bet couldn?t even get through a Highlights magazine to solve this death puzzle?!
Dialog LANA Guys what is taking so long?!
Dialog LANA Guys what is taking so long?!
Action Notes Archer?s phone rings.
Dialog CYRIL Archer please! You have the power * to
make positive change-just answer * it.
Dialog CYRIL Archer please! You have the power * to
make positive change-just answer * it.
Dialog CYRIL Archer please! You have the power * to
make positive change-just answer * it.
Dialog ARCHER No! I don?t want to talk to my
mom about her stupid mother/son annual seafood lunch that I missed...
Dialog ARCHER No! I don?t want to talk to my
mom about her stupid mother/son annual seafood lunch that I missed...
Action Notes Cyril glances at Lana.
Dialog ARCHER (CONT?D) ...that never existed before today, oh my
god and was planned to distract me from coming on this mission! She did this!
Dialog ARCHER (CONT?D) ...that never existed before today, oh my
god and was planned to distract me from coming on this mission! She did this!
Dialog ARCHER (CONT?D) ...that never existed before today, oh my
god and was planned to distract me from coming on this mission! She did this!
Dialog ARCHER (CONT?D) ...that never existed before today, oh my
god and was planned to distract me from coming on this mission! She did this!
Dialog LANA Yes but she can help us!
Dialog LANA Yes but she can help us!
Dialog ARCHER * Help us? She can?t even find me
a * decent valet!
Dialog ARCHER * Help us? She can?t even find me
a * decent valet!
pulls up to his apartment?s entryway in a TOWN CAR. A NEW VALET rushes to open the door for him, finding Archer in the backseat with a MODEL.
pulls up to his apartment?s entryway in a TOWN CAR. A NEW VALET rushes to open the door for him, finding Archer in the backseat with a MODEL.
pulls up to his apartment?s entryway in a TOWN CAR. A NEW VALET rushes to open the door for him, finding Archer in the backseat with a MODEL.
pulls up to his apartment?s entryway in a TOWN CAR. A NEW VALET rushes to open the door for him, finding Archer in the backseat with a MODEL.
pulls up to his apartment?s entryway in a TOWN CAR. A NEW VALET rushes to open the door for him, finding Archer in the backseat with a MODEL.
pulls up to his apartment?s entryway in a TOWN CAR. A NEW VALET rushes to open the door for him, finding Archer in the backseat with a MODEL.
pulls up to his apartment?s entryway in a TOWN CAR. A NEW VALET rushes to open the door for him, finding Archer in the backseat with a MODEL.
pulls up to his apartment?s entryway in a TOWN CAR. A NEW VALET rushes to open the door for him, finding Archer in the backseat with a MODEL.
Dialog ARCHER You think I can?t open the door myself?!
You?re fired!
Dialog ARCHER You think I can?t open the door myself?!
You?re fired!
Dialog ARCHER You think I can?t open the door myself?!
You?re fired!
Dialog ARCHER You think I can?t open the door myself?!
You?re fired!
Dialog VALET But...sir... That is why I?m here. It is
quite literally my job to help you.
Dialog VALET But...sir... That is why I?m here. It is
quite literally my job to help you.
Dialog VALET But...sir... That is why I?m here. It is
quite literally my job to help you.
Dialog ARCHER You don?t have a job!
Dialog ARCHER You don?t have a job!
Action Notes The valet stands in silence as Archer continues
to sit in the car.
Dialog ARCHER (CONT?D) * Now close the door for me
so I can * open it again myself! And then go * home and shut a door on your neck!
Dialog ARCHER (CONT?D) * Now close the door for me
so I can * open it again myself! And then go * home and shut a door on your neck!
Action Notes The valet stands in silence as Archer continues
to sit in the car.
Action Notes The valet stands in silence as Archer continues
to sit in the car.
Action Notes The valet closes the door. Archer rolls the
window down.
Action Notes The valet closes the door. Archer rolls the
window down.
Action Notes The valet closes the door. Archer rolls the
window down.
Action Notes The valet closes the door. Archer rolls the
window down.
Action Notes The valet closes the door. Archer rolls the
window down.
Action Notes The valet closes the door. Archer rolls the
window down.
Dialog ARCHER (CONT?D) * After you pick up my dry-cleaning!
Dialog ARCHER (CONT?D) * After you pick up my dry-cleaning!
Dialog ARCHER (CONT?D) * Fine, I?ll call her, but only
to * get her apology for lying to me * about missions. Action Notes BACK TO VAULT
Dialog ARCHER (CONT?D) * Fine, I?ll call her, but only
to * get her apology for lying to me * about missions. Action Notes BACK TO VAULT
Dialog ARCHER (CONT?D) * Fine, I?ll call her, but only
to * get her apology for lying to me * about missions. Action Notes BACK TO VAULT
Action Notes Archer dials Malory on speakerphone.
Action Notes Archer dials Malory on speakerphone.
Action Notes Archer dials Malory on speakerphone.
Dialog CAROL/CHERYL (SPEAKERPHONE) * Malory Archer?s office--
Dialog ARCHER * Yeah it?s Sterling, put me through.
Dialog MALORY (SPEAKERPHONE) * Well, well, well, if it isn?t
my * son who stood me up--
Action Notes Carol/Cheryl SCREAMS. GUNSHOTS BLARE over speakerphone.
Dialog ARCHER * MOTHER! Are you there?!
Dialog ARCHER * MOTHER! Are you there?!
Dialog ARCHER * MOTHER! Are you there?!
Dialog ARCHER * MOTHER! Are you there?!
Dialog CAROL/CHERYL (SPEAKERPHONE) * Oh my god, Malory?s been hit...
Dialog ARCHER * (panicked) * WHAT!! NO! Oh my god
I never should?ve come on this mission just to prove a point--
Dialog ARCHER * (panicked) * WHAT!! NO! Oh my god
I never should?ve come on this mission just to prove a point--
Dialog MALORY (SPEAKER) * Ha! Elaborate Voicemail * Prank. Leave
Dialog MALORY (SPEAKER) * Ha! Elaborate Voicemail * Prank. Leave
Dialog MALORY (SPEAKER) * Ha! Elaborate Voicemail * Prank. Leave
Dialog MALORY (SPEAKER) * Ha! Elaborate Voicemail * Prank. Leave
Dialog MALORY (SPEAKER) * Ha! Elaborate Voicemail * Prank. Leave
Action Notes Archer launches his phone in the face of
RADAR?S TEDDY BEAR from MASH. This triggers a flow of GAS CLOUDS that HISS as they slowly emit from the corners of the room.
Action Notes Archer launches his phone in the face of
RADAR?S TEDDY BEAR from MASH. This triggers a flow of GAS CLOUDS that HISS as they slowly emit from the corners of the room.
Action Notes Archer launches his phone in the face of
RADAR?S TEDDY BEAR from MASH. This triggers a flow of GAS CLOUDS that HISS as they slowly emit from the corners of the room.
Action Notes Archer launches his phone in the face of
RADAR?S TEDDY BEAR from MASH. This triggers a flow of GAS CLOUDS that HISS as they slowly emit from the corners of the room.
Action Notes Archer launches his phone in the face of
RADAR?S TEDDY BEAR from MASH. This triggers a flow of GAS CLOUDS that HISS as they slowly emit from the corners of the room.
Action Notes Archer launches his phone in the face of
RADAR?S TEDDY BEAR from MASH. This triggers a flow of GAS CLOUDS that HISS as they slowly emit from the corners of the room.
Action Notes Archer launches his phone in the face of
RADAR?S TEDDY BEAR from MASH. This triggers a flow of GAS CLOUDS that HISS as they slowly emit from the corners of the room.
Action Notes Archer launches his phone in the face of
RADAR?S TEDDY BEAR from MASH. This triggers a flow of GAS CLOUDS that HISS as they slowly emit from the corners of the room.
Dialog ARCHER * I can?t believe I choked on a
taste * of my own medicine.
Dialog ARCHER * I can?t believe I choked on a
taste * of my own medicine.
Action Notes Lana and Cyril start coughing.
Action Notes Lana and Cyril start coughing.
Action Notes Lana and Cyril start coughing.
Action Notes Lana and Cyril start coughing.
Action Notes Lana and Cyril start coughing.
Action Notes Lana and Cyril start coughing.
Dialog CYRIL * No I?m pretty sure that?s just the
* toxic gas.
Dialog CYRIL * No I?m pretty sure that?s just the
* toxic gas.
Action Notes INT. SURVEILLANCE VAN - CONTINUOUS Pam?s tracking map
starts beeping a RED ALERT on her monitor.
Action Notes INT. SURVEILLANCE VAN - CONTINUOUS Pam?s tracking map
starts beeping a RED ALERT on her monitor.
Action Notes INT. SURVEILLANCE VAN - CONTINUOUS Pam?s tracking map
starts beeping a RED ALERT on her monitor.
Action Notes INT. SURVEILLANCE VAN - CONTINUOUS Pam?s tracking map
starts beeping a RED ALERT on her monitor.
Action Notes INT. SURVEILLANCE VAN - CONTINUOUS Pam?s tracking map
starts beeping a RED ALERT on her monitor.
Action Notes INT. SURVEILLANCE VAN - CONTINUOUS Pam?s tracking map
starts beeping a RED ALERT on her monitor.
Dialog PAM Oh shit! The dicks from JUNO have breached
our perimeter!
Dialog PAM Oh shit! The dicks from JUNO have breached
our perimeter!
Dialog PAM Oh shit! The dicks from JUNO have breached
our perimeter!
Dialog KRIEGER There?s only one thing we can do now...they
need us...
Dialog KRIEGER There?s only one thing we can do now...they
need us...
Dialog LANA (O.S. FROM THE INTERCOM) No--Do not come here!
Get us help!
Dialog LANA (O.S. FROM THE INTERCOM) No--Do not come here!
Get us help!
Dialog LANA (O.S. FROM THE INTERCOM) No--Do not come here!
Get us help!
Action Notes Krieger removes his HEADSET, throws a TURTLENECK on
and loads up on TACTICAL GEAR.
Action Notes Krieger removes his HEADSET, throws a TURTLENECK on
and loads up on TACTICAL GEAR.
Action Notes Krieger removes his HEADSET, throws a TURTLENECK on
and loads up on TACTICAL GEAR.
Dialog PAM Oh hell yeah! Action Notes Pam rips off
her sweater and rolls the neck up from a turtleneck that she was already wearing underneath. She finds a BONUS HOT WING in the folds of the neck.
Dialog PAM Oh hell yeah! Action Notes Pam rips off
her sweater and rolls the neck up from a turtleneck that she was already wearing underneath. She finds a BONUS HOT WING in the folds of the neck.
Dialog PAM Oh hell yeah! Action Notes Pam rips off
her sweater and rolls the neck up from a turtleneck that she was already wearing underneath. She finds a BONUS HOT WING in the folds of the neck.
Dialog PAM Oh hell yeah! Action Notes Pam rips off
her sweater and rolls the neck up from a turtleneck that she was already wearing underneath. She finds a BONUS HOT WING in the folds of the neck.
Dialog PAM Oh hell yeah! Action Notes Pam rips off
her sweater and rolls the neck up from a turtleneck that she was already wearing underneath. She finds a BONUS HOT WING in the folds of the neck.
Dialog PAM Oh hell yeah! Action Notes Pam rips off
her sweater and rolls the neck up from a turtleneck that she was already wearing underneath. She finds a BONUS HOT WING in the folds of the neck.
Dialog PAM (CONT?D) * Ha ha! Bonus turtleneck hot wing!
* Sweet!
Dialog PAM (CONT?D) * Ha ha! Bonus turtleneck hot wing!
* Sweet!
Dialog PAM (CONT?D) * Ha ha! Bonus turtleneck hot wing!
* Sweet!
Action Notes Archer waves gas out of his face while
Cyril PUNCHES the door * over and over as if he is boxing.
Action Notes Archer waves gas out of his face while
Cyril PUNCHES the door * over and over as if he is boxing.
Action Notes Archer waves gas out of his face while
Cyril PUNCHES the door * over and over as if he is boxing.
Action Notes Archer waves gas out of his face while
Cyril PUNCHES the door * over and over as if he is boxing.
Action Notes Archer waves gas out of his face while
Cyril PUNCHES the door * over and over as if he is boxing.
Action Notes Archer waves gas out of his face while
Cyril PUNCHES the door * over and over as if he is boxing.
Action Notes Archer waves gas out of his face while
Cyril PUNCHES the door * over and over as if he is boxing.
Action Notes Archer waves gas out of his face while
Cyril PUNCHES the door * over and over as if he is boxing.
Action Notes Archer waves gas out of his face while
Cyril PUNCHES the door * over and over as if he is boxing.
Action Notes Archer waves gas out of his face while
Cyril PUNCHES the door * over and over as if he is boxing.
Action Notes Archer waves gas out of his face while
Cyril PUNCHES the door * over and over as if he is boxing.
Action Notes Archer waves gas out of his face while
Cyril PUNCHES the door * over and over as if he is boxing.
Action Notes Archer waves gas out of his face while
Cyril PUNCHES the door * over and over as if he is boxing.
Dialog ARCHER (to Lana) You know, since I got out
of my coma it?s been really enlightening to see how you treat people you allegedly ?care about.? Action Notes
Dialog ARCHER (to Lana) You know, since I got out
of my coma it?s been really enlightening to see how you treat people you allegedly ?care about.? Action Notes
Dialog ARCHER (to Lana) You know, since I got out
of my coma it?s been really enlightening to see how you treat people you allegedly ?care about.? Action Notes
Dialog ARCHER (to Lana) You know, since I got out
of my coma it?s been really enlightening to see how you treat people you allegedly ?care about.? Action Notes
Action Notes Cyril coughs.
Action Notes Cyril coughs.
Action Notes Cyril coughs.
Dialog LANA How I treat people I care about?!
Dialog LANA How I treat people I care about?!
Dialog ARCHER Keep them far away from you so you
can do whatever you decide is best for you!
Dialog ARCHER Keep them far away from you so you
can do whatever you decide is best for you!
Dialog LANA WOW, call Betty Crocker and tell her to
adjust the recipe because that is too fucking RICH.
Dialog LANA WOW, call Betty Crocker and tell her to
adjust the recipe because that is too fucking RICH.
Dialog ARCHER You send OUR daughter a million miles away
to Swiss boarding school so you don?t have to deal with her?
Dialog ARCHER You send OUR daughter a million miles away
to Swiss boarding school so you don?t have to deal with her?
Dialog LANA Don?t have to deal with her? I sent
her there to receive the best education in the world instead of sitting around waiting for her dad to get out of a coma!
Dialog LANA Don?t have to deal with her? I sent
her there to receive the best education in the world instead of sitting around waiting for her dad to get out of a coma!
Dialog ARCHER Oh, so I?m being punished because I CHOSE
to be in a coma for three years.
Dialog LANA Not everything is about you! We?re only in
this stupid death trap because YOU do whatever YOU want!
Dialog ARCHER This is bullshit. All of these stupid toys
don?t mean anything, it?s all just stupid--
Dialog ARCHER This is bullshit. All of these stupid toys
don?t mean anything, it?s all just stupid-- Action Notes Archer notes a SIX MILLION DOLLAR MAN FIGURINE. He stands up and walks closer to it.
Dialog ARCHER (CONT?D) Oh my god. A Six Million Dollar
Dialog CYRIL Archer, no--
Dialog LANA Forget it.
Action Notes Archer picks it up. He holds it for
just a second when-- A TRAP DOOR opens underneath him! He disappears through the floor. CUT TO:
Action Notes Archer picks it up. He holds it for
just a second when-- A TRAP DOOR opens underneath him! He disappears through the floor. CUT TO:
Action Notes Archer picks it up. He holds it for
just a second when-- A TRAP DOOR opens underneath him! He disappears through the floor. CUT TO:
Action Notes Archer picks it up. He holds it for
just a second when-- A TRAP DOOR opens underneath him! He disappears through the floor. CUT TO:
Action Notes Archer picks it up. He holds it for
just a second when-- A TRAP DOOR opens underneath him! He disappears through the floor. CUT TO:
Action Notes Archer picks it up. He holds it for
just a second when-- A TRAP DOOR opens underneath him! He disappears through the floor. CUT TO:
Action Notes Archer picks it up. He holds it for
just a second when-- A TRAP DOOR opens underneath him! He disappears through the floor. CUT TO:
Action Notes Archer picks it up. He holds it for
just a second when-- A TRAP DOOR opens underneath him! He disappears through the floor. CUT TO:
Action Notes Archer picks it up. He holds it for
just a second when-- A TRAP DOOR opens underneath him! He disappears through the floor. CUT TO: