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Visit 3: Gut-Brain Axis & Mind-Body Stress

February 29, 2024

Visit 3: Gut-Brain Axis & Mind-Body Stress


February 29, 2024


  1. The Gut-Brain Axis and Mind-Body Stress Kristin Manuel, LCSW Sutter

    Health- Sacramento Institute for Health and Healing
  2. Signs of Stress Behavioral Emotional Physical Cognitive Eating more or

    less Agitation, unable to relax, “tired and wired” Aches, tension, and pain Memory problems Sleeping too much or not enough Moodiness Diarrhea/constipation Poor concentration Neglecting hygiene or responsibilities Irritable, short-tempered Rapid heartbeat / chest pain Poor Judgment Self-medication- alcohol, drugs, internet Feeling depressed or unhappy Change in sex drive Difficulty making decisions or impulsive decisions Nervous habits like nail biting Feeling overwhelmed, lack of confidence Frequent illnesses or colds Forgetfulness Accident prone Anger Fatigue Easily distracted, zoned out
  3. The Brain and Stress • Amygdala: activates our fight-or-flight response

    • Prefrontal Cortex: area involved in thinking functions such as problem solving, judgment, and decision-making
  4. Self Care for the Mind/Body/Spirit Walking Hiking Gardening Cardio exercise

    Strength training Yoga Massage Baths Meditation Prayer Leisure reading Spiritual reading Listening to music Journaling Socializing Hobbies Pets
  5. References • Fig. 1. Relaxing picture. Slide 1. https://abstract.desktopnexus.com/wallpaper/1458142. •

    ¹Cleveland Clinic. “Stress.” January 28, 2021, https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/articles/11874-stress. • Fig.2. Brabban and Turkington. “A helpful way to think about stress: The Stress Bucket.” 2002. https://www.changeschp.org.uk/stress-awareness- month/. Accessed 9 Aug, 2021. • Fig.3."Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Research Fact Sheet.” A fact sheet with a brief description of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and its treatment. Date: 2007[1] The National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH). https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Ptsd-brain.png. • https://drwilsons.com/got-stress/how-stress-affects-the-body. • https://www.charlestoncounselingportal.com/uploads/1/2/1/6/121600458/kids-teens-stressmanagementanxietyworksheetpack.pdf • The Adverse Childhood Experiences Study, also more commonly knows as The Ace Study, is a groundbreaking piece of research that is unveiling the links between early childhood trauma and adult chronic illness. http://www.acestudy.org/ • The Flight, Fight, Freeze Response. https://www.canterbury.ac.uk/outreach/resources/students/inspiring-minds/stress-2.aspx. • Walker, Pete. “Complex PTSD: From Surviving to Thriving.” 2013. • Fig.5. What I Can Control and What I Can Influence. http://www.coastlinepw.com.au/weekly-strategy-note-22-02-2016/3-news/news/203-weekly- strategy-note-19092025. • Fig.6. Typical thoughts, emotions, sensations and behaviours in anxiety. http://www.wellspringtherapy.ie/cbt-therapy.html. • Fig.7. Leaves on a Stream. https://www.drjohnforsyth.com/store/p12/Leaves_on_a_Stream_Exercise.html. • Van Der Kolk, M.D., Bessel. “The Body Keeps The Score - Brain, Mind, and Body in the Healing of Trauma.” 2015. • Davis, Martha, Robbins, Elizabeth, and McKay, Matthew. “The Relaxation and Stress Reduction Workbook.” Oakland: New Harbinger, 1988.