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December 2020: ARM Template For The Win & Bicep...

December 2020: ARM Template For The Win & Bicep by Marcel Zehner (Video in description)

Video recording available here: https://youtu.be/TiyLjZdzLQg

In this session, Microsoft RD & Azure MVP will shed some light on ARM-templates-based Azure deployments. ARM templates use a declarative approach to deploy and maintain Azure-based services. Using JSON files allows you to describe services, configurations or relations. Wait what? JSON-files? Are you worried about writing those beasts yourself? Stay calm as Marcel will introduce you to a brand new language that makes the development of ARM templates much easier.

I am a cloud and community champion operating out of Switzerland. I support community conferences and events around the globe with my Microsoft cloud expertise. I am a Microsoft Regional Director and a long-time Microsoft MVP and head of the Microsoft community events "Experts Live Europe" and "Experts Live Switzerland".

More information about me can be found on http://about.me/marcelzehner.

Azure Zurich User Group

December 09, 2020

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  1. ARM Templates For The Win! Marcel Zehner | SoftwareONE Microsoft

    Regional Director Microsoft Azure MVP marcelzehner.ch @marcelzehner
  2. ▪ SoftwareONE ▪ Bern-Switzerland ▪ Microsoft Regional Director ▪ Microsoft

    Azure MVP ▪ IT & tech geek ▪ Speaker & blogger ▪ Community champion ▪ Experts Live EU & CH
  3. What NOT to expect Infra as Code overview ARM Templates

    Deep Dive Code management & pipelines Full DevOps story
  4. Azure Resource Manager ▪ Deployment and management service for Azure

    ▪ Consistent management layer ▪ Create, update and delete resources ▪ Used by ▪ Azure Portal, Azure CLI ▪ PowerShell Scripts ▪ Etc. ▪ Can accept ARM templates
  5. Azure Resource Providers Azure Resource Types Azure Portal, Marketplace, Scripts,

    ARM Templates etc. Azure Resource Provider Operations
  6. ARM Templates ▪ Declarative approach ▪ JSON files ▪ Initial

    provisioning ▪ Service maintenance ▪ Lifecycle management
  7. Define resources with dependencies Parametrize, submit values at deployment time

    Hardcode or calculate values used in resources section Output data from a deployment
  8. Applying ARM Templates ▪ Portal ▪ PowerShell ▪ Azure CLI

    ▪ More advanced approaches (e.g. pipelines)
  9. Issues with ARM Templates ▪ Complex to develop ▪ Not-so-easy

    to read ▪ [{,,}{,,(),,(,,)}]{,,},(),{}(,)] ⚔ ▪ Lots of code needed
  10. BicepLang ▪ New domain-specific language (DSL) ▪ Describe and deploy

    infrastructure to Azure ▪ Transparent abstraction for JSON ARM templates ▪ Easy-to-write/read
  11. Bicep Tooling ▪ VS Code Extension ▪ Write and validate

    Bicep configs ▪ .bicep files ▪ Bicep CLI ▪ Build ARM template from Bicep config ▪ Decompile ARM template to Bicep config
  12. ARM Templates For The Win! Marcel Zehner | SoftwareONE Microsoft

    Regional Director Microsoft Azure MVP marcelzehner.ch @marcelzehner