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VSTS/TFS Release Automation with Docker and Azure by Marc Müller

VSTS/TFS Release Automation with Docker and Azure by Marc Müller

Docker provides a lot of benefits for modern development processes and hosting scenario. This talk will cover the full DevOps roundtrip for services hosted with docker. From local development with Docker containers to build automation over to release automation into a modern Docker cluster, all based on ASP.NET Core, Visual Studio, Team Foundation Server / VSTS and Azure.

Speaker: Marc Müller

Marc serves as Principal Consultant for Microsoft ALM and for .NET, Windows and Azure solutions at 4tecture GmbH (http://www.4tecture.ch/) and has been recognised by Microsoft as a Most Valuable Professional (MVP) for Visual Studio ALM. His in-depth knowledge of ALM and know-how regarding enterprise architectures and component-based distributed systems have proven valuable assets on countless projects over recent years. As a coach, consultant and instructor, his specialisms include the training and coaching of ALM and .NET project teams.

Azure Zurich User Group

August 29, 2017

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  4. ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ Service Pod Container Pod

    Container Pod Container A 1.2 A 1.2 A 1.2 A 1.2
  5. VSTS Azure Resource Group DCOS Master DCOS Master Master Agent

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  7. kube-lego requests certificates for Kubernetes Ingress resources Automatic checking for

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  8. Param( [string]$vstspat = "xxxxxxx", [string]$subscriptionname = "xxxxxxx", [string]$rsakeyfile = "xxxxxxx",

    [string]$vstsaccount = "xxxxxxx" ) ### setup the cli settings kubectl config unset contexts.demo-4t-k8s az account set --subscription $subscriptionname az account show #az login #if needed ### setup kubernetes cluster az group create -n "KubernetesDemo" -l "westeurope" az acs create -n KubernetesDemo -d demo-4t-k8s -g KubernetesDemo --generate-ssh-keys --orchestrator-type kubernetes az acs kubernetes get-credentials -g=KubernetesDemo -n=KubernetesDemo --ssh-key-file=$rsakeyfile az acr create --name 4tKubernetesDemoRegistry --resource-group KubernetesDemo --sku Basic az acr update -n 4tKubernetesDemoRegistry --admin-enabled true $acrusername = az acr credential show -n 4tKubernetesDemoRegistry --query username $acrpassword = az acr credential show -n 4tKubernetesDemoRegistry --query passwords[0].value kubectl create secret docker-registry 4tkubernetesdemoregistry --docker-username=$acrusername --docker-password=$acrpassword--docker-server='4tkubernetesdemoregistry.azurecr.io' -- docker-email='[email protected]' ### deploy k8s configurations kubectl apply -f .\devfun_namespaces.yaml kubectl apply -f nginx-ingress-defaultbackend.yaml kubectl apply -f nginx-ingress-controller.yaml kubectl apply -f nginx-ingress-service.yaml kubectl -n kube-system get po kubectl apply -f vsts_namespaces.yaml kubectl create secret generic vsts --from-literal=VSTS_TOKEN=$vstspat --from-literal=VSTS_ACCOUNT=$vstsaccount --namespace=vsts kubectl apply -f vsts_agent.yaml kubectl apply -f lego_namespaces.yaml kubectl apply -f lego_configmap.yaml kubectl apply -f lego_deployment.yaml kubectl apply -f devfun_ingress-dev.yaml kubectl apply -f devfun_ingress-test.yaml kubectl apply -f devfun_ingress-prod.yaml