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Лекция №1.8. Exceptions.

Лекция №1.8. Exceptions.

1. Abnormal program termination.
2. Return error codes.
3. Macro errno.
4. try/catch/throw.
5. Using objects as exceptions.
6. Exception specifications.
7. Unwinding stack.
8. More exception features.
9. RAII.
10. Exceptions in constructors.
11. Best practices.

Baramiya Denis

April 01, 2019

More Decks by Baramiya Denis

Other Decks in Programming


  1. ABNORMAL PROGRAM TERMINATION ABORT() ... double hmean(double a, double b)

    { if (std::abs(a+b) < epsilon) { std::cout << "untenable arguments to hmean()\n"; std::abort(); } return 2.0 * a * b / (a + b); } ...
  2. ABNORMAL PROGRAM TERMINATION ABORT() ... int main() { double x,

    y, z; std::cout << "Enter two numbers: "; while (std::cin >> x >> y) { z = hmean(x, y); std::cout << "Harmonic mean of " << x << " and " << y << " is " << z << '\n'; std::cout << "Enter next set of numbers <q to quit>: "; } std::cout << "Bye!\n"; return 0; }
  3. RETURN ERROR CODES ... bool hmean(double a, double b, double*

    ans) { if (std::abs(a+b) < epsilon) { *ans = std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity(); return false; } *ans = 2.0 * a * b / (a + b); return true; } ...
  4. MACRO ERRNO ... int main() { double not_a_number = std::log(-1.0);

    if (errno == EDOM) { std::cout << "log(-1) failed: " << std::strerror(errno) << '\n'; } return 0; }
  5. • Сигнализирование об ошибках в C: • Код возврата функции.

    • Глобальная переменная (errno). • Можно проигнорировать! • Исключения нельзя проигнорировать! Muahahaha EXCEPTIONS
  6. ... double hmean(double a, double b) { if (std::abs(a+b) <

    epsilon) { throw "bad hmean() arguments: a = -b not allowed"; } return 2.0 * a * b / (a + b); } ... EXCEPTIONS
  7. ... int main() { double x, y, z; std::cout <<

    "Enter two numbers: "; while (std::cin >> x >> y) { try { // start of try block z = hmean(x,y); } // end of try block catch (const char* s) // start of exception handler { std::cout << s << '\n'; std::cout << "Enter a new pair of numbers: "; continue; } // end of handler std::cout << "Harmonic mean of " << x << " and " << y << " is " << z << '\n'; std::cout << "Enter next set of numbers <q to quit>: "; } std::cout << "Bye!\n"; return 0; } EXCEPTIONS
  8. class bad_hmean final { private: double v1; double v2; public:

    bad_hmean(double a = 0, double b = 0) : v1(a), v2(b){} void msg() const; }; inline void bad_hmean::msg() const { std::cout << "hmean(" << v1 << ", " << v2 << "): " << "invalid arguments: a = -b\n"; } USING OBJECTS AS EXCEPTIONS
  9. USING OBJECTS AS EXCEPTIONS ... double hmean(double a, double b)

    { if (std::abs(a+b) < epsilon) { throw bad_hmean(a, b); } return 2.0 * a * b / (a + b); } ...
  10. USING OBJECTS AS EXCEPTIONS ... int main() { double x,

    y, z; std::cout << "Enter two numbers: "; while (std::cin >> x >> y) { try { // start of try block z = hmean(x,y); std::cout << "Harmonic mean of " << x << " and " << y << " is " << z << '\n'; std::cout << "Enter next set of numbers <q to quit>: "; } // end of try block catch (const bad_hmean& bh) // start of exception handler { bh.msg(); std::cout << "Try again.\n"; } // end of handler } std::cout << "Bye!\n"; return 0; }
  11. USING OBJECTS AS EXCEPTIONS ... double gmean(double a, double b)

    { if (a * b < 0) { throw bad_gmean(a, b); } return std::sqrt(a * b); } ...
  12. class bad_gmean final { private: double v1; double v2; public:

    bad_gmean(double a = 0, double b = 0) : v1(a), v2(b){} std::string msg() const; }; inline std::string bad_gmean::msg() const { return "gmean() arguments should be >= 0\n"; } USING OBJECTS AS EXCEPTIONS
  13. USING OBJECTS AS EXCEPTIONS int main() { double x, y,

    z; std::cout << "Enter two numbers: "; while (std::cin >> x >> y) { try { // start of try block z = hmean(x,y); z = gmean(x,y); } // end of try block catch (const bad_hmean& bh) // start of catch block { bh.msg(); std::cout << "Try again.\n"; continue; } catch (const bad_gmean& bg) { std::cout << bg.msg(); break; } // end of catch block } ... }
  14. EXCEPTION SPECIFICATIONS C++98 // Deprecated since C++11. // Removed since

    C++17: compiler issues warning C5040. double bad_gmean(double a) throw(bad_gmean); // may throw bad_thing // exception // Since C++17: is alias for noexcept(true) double func(double a) throw(); // doesn't throw an exception
  15. EXCEPTION SPECIFICATIONS C++11 // Since C++11 double func(double a) noexcept;

    // doesn't throw an exception double func(double a) noexcept(true); // doesn't throw an exception
  16. КАК ЭТО РАБОТАЕТ? • При генерации исключения с помощью throw

    начинается раскрутка стека. • У всех объектов всех функций на стеке вызываются деструкторы. • Раскрутка останавливается, если найден подходящий обработчик исключения.
  17. UNWINDING THE STACK class demo final { private: std::string word;

    public: demo (const std::string & str): word(str){ std::cout << "demo " << word << " created\n"; } ~demo(){ std::cout << "demo " << word << " destroyed\n"; } void show() const{ std::cout << "demo " << word << " lives!\n"; } };
  18. UNWINDING THE STACK double means(double a, double b) { double

    am, hm, gm; demo d2("found in means()"); am = (a + b) / 2.0; // arithmetic mean try { hm = hmean(a,b); gm = gmean(a,b); } catch (const bad_hmean & bh) // start of catch block { bh.msg(); std::cout << "Caught in means()\n"; throw; // rethrows the exception } d2.show(); return (am + hm + gm) / 3.0; }
  19. UNWINDING THE STACK int main() { double x, y, z;

    demo d1("found in main()"); while (std::cin >> x >> y) { try { z = means(x,y); } catch (const bad_hmean& bh) { bh.msg(); std::cout << "Try again.\n"; } catch (const bad_gmean& bg) { std::cout << bg.msg(); break; } } d1.show(); return 0; } Console: demo found in main() created 6 12 ???
  20. UNWINDING THE STACK int main() { double x, y, z;

    demo d1("found in main()"); while (std::cin >> x >> y) { try { z = means(x,y); } catch (const bad_hmean& bh) { bh.msg(); std::cout << "Try again.\n"; } catch (const bad_gmean& bg) { std::cout << bg.msg(); break; } } d1.show(); return 0; } Console: demo found in main() created 6 12 demo found in means() created demo found in means() lives! demo found in means() destroyed 6 -6 ???
  21. UNWINDING THE STACK int main() { double x, y, z;

    demo d1("found in main()"); while (std::cin >> x >> y) { try { z = means(x,y); } catch (const bad_hmean& bh) { bh.msg(); std::cout << "Try again.\n"; } catch (const bad_gmean& bg) { std::cout << bg.msg(); break; } } d1.show(); return 0; } Console: demo found in main() created 6 12 demo found in means() created demo found in means() lives! demo found in means() destroyed 6 -6 demo found in means() created hmean (6, -6) : invalid arguments: a = -b Caught in means() demo found in means() destroyed hmean (6, -6) : invalid arguments: a = -b Try again. 6 -8 ???
  22. UNWINDING THE STACK int main() { double x, y, z;

    demo d1("found in main()"); while (std::cin >> x >> y) { try { z = means(x,y); } catch (const bad_hmean& bh) { bh.msg(); std::cout << "Try again.\n"; } catch (const bad_gmean& bg) { std::cout << bg.msg(); break; } } d1.show(); return 0; } Console: demo found in main() created 6 12 demo found in means() created demo found in means() lives! demo found in means() destroyed 6 -6 demo found in means() created hmean (6, -6) : invalid arguments: a = -b Caught in means() demo found in means() destroyed hmean (6, -6) : invalid arguments: a = -b Try again. 6 -8 demo found in means() created demo found in means() destroyed gmean() arguments should be >= 0 demo found in main() lives! demo found in main() destroyed
  23. ~B() ~A() Caught 123 class A { public: ~A() {

    std::cout << "~A()" << std::endl; } }; class B { public: ~B() { std::cout << "~B()" << std::endl; } }; void cc() { throw 123; } void bb() { B b; cc(); } void aa() { A a; bb(); } int main() { try { aa(); } catch (int v) { std::cout << "Caught " << v << std::endl; } }
  24. class problem final {...} void func(){ ... if(oh_no){ problem oops;

    throw oops; } ... } ... try{ func(); } catch(problem& ex){ ... } MORE EXCEPTION FEATURES Different objects.
  25. #include <iostream> #include <string> #include <cctype> #include <exception> using namespace

    std; class INNException : public std::exception {}; class WrongLengthException : public INNException {}; class WrongCharsException : public INNException {}; class WrongChecksumException : public INNException {}; unsigned long long int parseINN(const string &s) { if (s.length() != 10) throw WrongLengthException(); if (!all_of(s.begin(), s.end(), ::isdigit)) throw WrongCharsException(); static int coeffs[] = { 2, 4, 10, 3, 5, 9, 4, 6, 8 }; int res = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 9; ++i) res += (int(s[i]) - int('0')) * coeffs[i]; if (int(s[9]) - int('0') != (res % 11) % 10) throw WrongChecksumException(); return stoull(s); } INN validation
  26. int main() { string s; if (getline(cin, s)) { try

    { auto inn = parseINN(s); // например, 5445264092 cout << "Хороший, годный ИНН: " << inn << endl; } catch (WrongLengthException &) { cerr << "ИНН имеет неверную длину!" << endl; } catch (WrongCharsException &) { cerr << "ИНН содержит недопустимые символы!" << endl; } catch (WrongChecksumException &) { cerr << "У ИНН неверная контрольная сумма!" << endl; } catch (INNException &) { cerr << "ИНН никуда не годится!" << endl; } } } Exception Handling
  27. // ... using namespace std; class INNException : public std::exception

    {}; class WrongLengthException : public INNException { public: const char *what() const override noexcept { return "неверная длина"; } }; class WrongCharsException : public INNException { public: const char *what() const override noexcept { return "неверные символы"; } }; class WrongChecksumException : public INNException { public: const char *what() const override noexcept { return "неверная контр. сумма"; } }; unsigned long long int parseINN(const string &s); int main() { string s; if (getline(cin, s)) { try { auto inn = parseINN(s); // например, 5445264092 cout << "Хороший, годный ИНН: " << inn << endl; } catch (INNException &exc) { cerr << "Ошибочный ИНН (" << exc.what() << ")!" << endl; } } } Other way
  28. void process_file(const char *fn) { FILE *fp = fopen(fn, "r");

    try { // file processing } catch (...) { fclose(fp); throw; } fclose(fp); } MORE EXCEPTION FEATURES Catch any type exception
  29. class FilePtr { FILE *fp; public: FilePtr(const char *fn, const

    char *access) { fp = fopen(fn, access); } FilePtr(FILE *fp) { this->fp = fp; } ~FilePtr() { if (fp) fclose(fp); } operator FILE *() { return fp; } }; void process_file(const char *fn) { // Принцип RAII: получение ресурса есть инициализация // техника управления ресурсами через локальные объекты FilePtr f(fn, "r"); // …просто используем f // файл в любом случае будет закрыт автоматически } RESOURCE ACQUISITION IS INITIALIZATION RAII
  30. • Деструктор вызывается только для полностью сконструированного объекта! • Если

    в конструкторе было исключение, то будет утечка памяти: class Y { int *p; void init() { /* здесь бабах! */ } public: Y(int s) { p = new int[s]; init(); } ~Y() { delete p; } }; EXCEPTIONS IN CONTRUCTORS Bad code!
  31. class Z { std::vector<int> p; void init() { /* здесь

    бабах! */ } public: Z(int s): p(s) { init(); } ~Z() = default; }; EXCEPTIONS IN CONTRUCTORS Good code! if "init" throws an exception, the destructor of "p" will be called.
  32. • Использовать иерархию классов исключений: не кидать int, 

    char * и т.п. • Делать классы исключений простыми. • Использовать исключения только для исключительных ситуаций. • Генерируя исключение, понимать где и кем оно будет обработано. BEST PRACTICES