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NLP for Social Good Symposium at University of ...

NLP for Social Good Symposium at University of Liverpool -- Closing Remarks

This is the closing remarks that I gave at the NLP for Social Good Symposium at University of Liverpool.

Danushka Bollegala

June 10, 2023

More Decks by Danushka Bollegala

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  1. Thank you! • 6 invited speakers • 160+ pa rt

    icipants! (online + in-person) • Funding/Suppo rt • Depa rt ment of Computer Science, University of Liverpool • Organisers • Procheta Sen, Tulika Saha 2
  2. Why talk about Social Good? 3 Images created by DALL-E

    (OpenAI) h tt ps://www.vice.com/en/a rt icle/wxdawn/the-ai-that-draws-what-you-type-is-very-racist-shocking-no-one
  3. Is AI Socially Biased? 5 Images generated by Stable Di

    ff usion (Stability.AI) “Janitor” “Asse rt ive Fire fi ghter” h tt ps://techpolicy.press/researchers- fi nd-stable-di ff usion-ampli fi es-stereotypes/
  4. I 8

  5. My take on “existential threats” of AI • What I

    hear… • We will loose our jobs… 10
  6. My take on “existential threats” of AI • What I

    hear… • We will loose our jobs… • AI will take over humans… 10
  7. My take on “existential threats” of AI • What I

    hear… • We will loose our jobs… • AI will take over humans… • NLP is over (with ChatGPT) 10
  8. My take on “existential threats” of AI • What I

    hear… • We will loose our jobs… • AI will take over humans… • NLP is over (with ChatGPT) • My PhD research topic is over… 10
  9. What we (NLP researchers) should do • Be realistic •

    Look at the real threats that would otherwise get overlooked because of the hyped threats. 11
  10. What we (NLP researchers) should do • Be realistic •

    Look at the real threats that would otherwise get overlooked because of the hyped threats. • Be responsible • If you believe there is a non-zero probability of a risk, think what you can do to address it. 11
  11. What we (NLP researchers) should do • Be realistic •

    Look at the real threats that would otherwise get overlooked because of the hyped threats. • Be responsible • If you believe there is a non-zero probability of a risk, think what you can do to address it. • Be optimistic • We will get extinct very soon… anyway 11
  12. 13