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Android Studio Poet

Boris Farber
May 04, 2018

Android Studio Poet

Improve your Android build with Android Studio Poet https://github.com/android/android-studio-poet

Boris Farber

May 04, 2018


  1. About me • Android/Java/Kotlin • Partner Engineer at Google •

    Focusing on Android app optimizations (ClassyShark, AS Poet)
  2. Some metrics we have seen • From 5% to 50%

    build improvement time • Disclaimer ⇒ Heavily depends on ◦ Project ◦ Team skills ◦ Etc… • Take these number with a huge grain of salt
  3. Why • You work relentlessly on your awesome Android app.

    You add new features, libraries and frameworks. • Some more code here, some more resources there, it all ends up impacting the build time.
  4. Why • But it doesn’t have to be that way!

    • As you refactor your classes and methods, why not to treat your Android project as a refactor-able unit
  5. Many variables that affect our build speed • Annotations •

    Resources • Java Modules • Android modules • Number of classes • Number of methods • Dependencies • Topology • …
  6. AS Poet • What if we will generate many synthesized

    Android projects with a configurable number of metrics that mimics your project • Then we analyze the build times and understand where are the places to refactor
  7. AS Poet • A desktop based utility for Android developers

    • Generates synthesized Android projects with a configurable number of metrics
  8. How • Let's take a simple JSON file (less than

    20 lines), that mimics the Android projects with gradle plugin syntax • Has number of other parameters such as class/method count ... • AS Poet will read the script and generate a buildable Android Studio project
  9. Sample Script - definitions { "projectName": "genny", "root": "./modules/", "gradleVersion":

    "4.3.1", "androidGradlePluginVersion": "3.0.1", "kotlinVersion": "1.1.60", "numModules": "5",
  10. Sample Script - source data "allMethods": "4000", "javaPackageCount": "20", "javaClassCount":

    "8", "javaMethodCount": "2000", "kotlinPackageCount": "20", "kotlinClassCount": "8", "androidModules": "2",
  11. Sample Script - dependencies & build types "numActivitiesPerAndroidModule": "8", "dependencies":

    [ {"from": 3, "to": 2}, {"from": 4, "to": 2}, {"from": 4, "to": 3} ], }
  12. Features • GUI and CLI • Share resources between Android

    modules (layouts ...) • Call Java/Koltin code between different modules • Build flavours • Topologies • Full format for fain gained control over modules • ...
  13. Swing • Zero Kotlin documentation • All documentation (really good)

    is 20 years old • Ended up doing skeleton development in Java and convert to Kotlin
  14. AS Poet • A desktop based utility for Android developers

    • IO bound app (generates folders with 100K with interconnected dependencies)
  15. Optimizations • Measure, measure and measure • It is better

    to solve the right problem the wrong way than the wrong problem the right way • Our architecture - coroutunes for module creation with fork/join for individual classes write
  16. Projects val timeModels = measureTimeMillis { ModuleBlueprintFactory.initCache() runBlocking { val

    deferredModules = projectConfig.pureModuleConfigs.map { async { ModuleBlueprintFactory.create(it, projectRoot) } } val deferredAndroid = projectConfig.androidModuleConfigs.map { async { ModuleBlueprintFactory.createAndroidModule(projectRoot, it, projectConfig.moduleConfigs) } } temporaryModuleBlueprints = deferredModules.map { it.await() } temporaryAndroidBlueprints = deferredAndroid.map { it.await() } } }
  17. Fork/Join var randomCount: Long = 0 projectBlueprint.androidModuleBlueprints.forEach{ blueprint -> val

    random = Random(randomCount++) val job = launch { androidModuleGenerator.generate(blueprint, random) println("Done writing Android module " + blueprint.name) } allJobs.add(job) } for (job in allJobs) { job.join() }
  18. Cache immutable • Blueprints for methods are immutable • A

    lot of small objects • Caching into deferred maps (inside coroutine)
  19. IO Optimizations 101 • Download only necessary data (gradle full

    versus gradle bin) • Close to 33 MBs saved
  20. Dependency Injection • Injector class • All the objects created

    there • Dependencies are passed as parameters • Maintenance • Testability
  21. Build - FatJar/Gradle • FatJar is a gradle task that

    creates a self contained Jar file with all dependencies