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WordPress & SEO, get your site noticed on the i...

WordPress & SEO, get your site noticed on the internet... and more!

While WordPress is fairly search engine optimized “out of the box”, there are some things that can vastly improve your ranking in Google. During this talk, I’ll guide you along the very basic techniques to optimize the very performance of your site in search engines.

Further more, I’ll be showing some additional ways to generate traffic towards your website, which can drive even more traffic to your website.


June 22, 2012

Other Decks in Technology


  1. What’s the first thing you (should) do when installing a

    new WordPress site? QUESTION vrijdag 22 juni 12
  2. TAKING CONTROL OVER INDEXING! Allows you to set up your

    site the way you want prior to announcing it with various search engines. vrijdag 22 juni 12
  3. AFTER INSTALLING 1. Setting the permalinks 2. Installing plugins 3.

    Deleting sample content 4. Plugin configuration vrijdag 22 juni 12
  4. PERMALINKS Choose “Post name” This is the easiest way to

    generate so-called “Clean URL’s” vrijdag 22 juni 12
  5. PLUGINS Wordpress SEO by Yoast - Take full control of

    your SEO-related configuration - Built in SEO checks - Change meta-description, title & focus keyword vrijdag 22 juni 12
  6. CREATE A TWITTER ACCOUNT seperate your personal and website-related tweeting!

    allows you to keep an personal opinion online! vrijdag 22 juni 12
  7. DON’T OVER-AUTOMATE People still tend to contact you directly. So

    keep checking your social media accounts on regular intervals. vrijdag 22 juni 12
  8. THANKS! Rate this talk at https://joind.in/6697 LET’S KEEP IN TOUCH

    @brechtryckaert facebook.com/brecht.ryckaert vrijdag 22 juni 12