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Jim Bennett at September 2018's Linuxing In London

Brian Linuxing
September 20, 2018

Jim Bennett at September 2018's Linuxing In London

Jim Bennett at September 2018's Linuxing In London

Brian Linuxing

September 20, 2018

More Decks by Brian Linuxing


  1. 19:05 Lovely snacks provided by our friends at Microsoft 19:20

    Welcome to Linuxing In London. 19:25 Building Cross-platform apps that run in iOS, Android... even Linux with Jim Bennett. 20:30 Q&A 20:45 Community slot and free raffle. 20:55 Vacate the room and off to Skills Matter's bar over a soft drink.
  2. Brian Byrne is a freelance IT manager, a thinker and

    do-er for hire. He started computing in the 1970s, developed his coding in academia and then project management skills in the financial sector. He remembers VT100s! Twitter: @BrianLinuxing Email: [email protected] David Smith is a master of social media and designs websites. He likes Wordpress and Alexa. Twitter: @DavidScreative Simon Schofield is a properly trained engineer, who understands the laws of physics and analogue electronics much better than Brian and Dave! Twitter: @Simon_34A
  3. 19:05 Lovely snacks provided by our friends at Microsoft 19:20

    Welcome to Linuxing In London. 19:25 Building Cross-platform apps that run in iOS, Android... even Linux with Jim Bennett. 20:30 Q&A 20:45 Community slot and free raffle. 20:55 Vacate the room and off to Skills Matter's bar over a soft drink.
  4. Linuxing In London’s code of conduct, put simply: We want

    no racism, no sexism, no xenophobia, no homophobia, no transphobia, etc. and please really respect others. If you feel like being rude, don’t!!
  5. Bluntly put: Either follow the code of conduct, be extra

    polite to everyone or there is the door, please use it.
  6. Please say hello to your neighbour, tell them your favourite

    Linux distribution or favourite technology trick, in one minute!
  7. Future events: Tuesday, 23rd October 2018 – A special event

    Thursday, 22nd November 2018 – An everything Python evening! Monday, 17th December 2018 – Our Xmas special! https://linuxinginlondon.wordpress.com/
  8. All Linuxing in London events are free to attendees, and

    it is purely a voluntary effort.** **If you feel you might be able to help out, please see Brian. Social skills are more important than technical genius!
  9. A big thanks to Wendy, Megan, Ewa, the AV team

    and everyone at @skillsmatter for hosting us :)
  10. Future events: Tuesday, 23rd October 2018 – A special event

    Thursday, 22nd November 2018 – An everything Python evening! Monday, 17th December 2018 – Our Xmas special! https://linuxinginlondon.wordpress.com/
  11. 19:05 Lovely snacks provided by our friends at Microsoft 19:20

    Welcome to Linuxing In London. 19:25 Building Cross-platform apps that run in iOS, Android... even Linux with Jim Bennett. 20:30 Q&A 20:45 Community slot and free raffle. 20:55 Vacate the room and off to Skills Matter's bar over a soft drink.
  12. If you liked tonight then please leave a nice review

    on our MeetUp page. https://www.meetup.com/Linuxing-In-London/events/252009 894/