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How JUST EAT Leveraged AWS to Foster a DevOps C...

How JUST EAT Leveraged AWS to Foster a DevOps Culture (without using the word ‘DevOps’)

A talk I gave at the Agile Vancouver Conference (Much Ado About Agile X) on Oct 26th, 2015 around how JUST EAT was able to use AWS (Amazon Web Services) to transform its organization and systems and foster a culture of trust, responsibility and authority.

The transitions and clips haven't made it to this publication, sorry about that, but you can see the video of the talk at https://youtu.be/8v3EAursPho

Byron Packwood

October 26, 2015

Other Decks in Technology


  1. (WITHOUT USING THE WORD ‘DEVOPS’) Except for twice, in this

    title slide How JUST EAT Leveraged AWS to Foster a DevOps Culture
  2. How JUST EAT Leveraged AWS to Foster a DevOps Culture

    Address our Challenges, Achieve our Goals and Transform our Culture
  3. Conway’s Law “organizations which design systems ... are constrained to

    produce designs which are copies of the communication structures of these organizations” -Melvin Conway, How Do Committees Invent, 1968
  4. “Inverse Conway Maneuver” Evolve your organizational structure to promote your

    desired architecture -Thoughtworks Technology Radar, July 2014
  5. Re-organized Small, independent teams Own development and operations of their

    piece of the platform Created a Platform Services team to enable rapid, confident change
  6. AWS Scale “Every day, AWS adds enough new server capacity

    to support all of Amazon’s global infrastructure when it was a $7B annual revenue enterprise (in 2004)” -James Hamilton, VP & Distinguished Engineer, Amazon - AWS Innovation at Scale, re:invent 2014 (SPOT301)
  7. 0 150 300 450 600 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012

    2013 2014 516 280 159 82 61 48 24 AWS Pace of Innovation
  8. Cloudformation Create and manage a set of AWS resources Define

    resources in template using JSON Easy to validate, can inspect Easy to consume and generate Easy to diff and source control Important to keep DRY
  9. Deployment & Environment Services Tooling to create VPCs, subnets (aka

    network shell) Platform bootstrapping NAT Securitygroups Stackman (EIP Management)
  10. Monitoring Service Using statsd & Graphite ecosystem (Grafana, Tasseo, etc)

    Receiving about 1.5 datapoints per minute (system via perftap & diamond, AWS and features)
  11. Centralized Logging Run ELK as a stack (ElasticSearch, Logstash and

    Kibana) along with log push agents (nxlog, rysyslog)
  12. Equanimity as a Service Early days of operations for many

    Interest and aptitude (and responsibility and authority) - some were just missing experience
  13. Equanimity as a Service Early days of operations for many

    Interest and aptitude (and responsibility and authority) - some were just missing experience
  14. Equanimity as a Service Early days of operations for many

    Interest and aptitude (and responsibility and authority) - some were just missing experience
  15. Platform Features Platform Services Centralized Logging Environment Alerting Backup Deployment

    Email HAProxy Monitoring NAT PaaSBot SecurityGroups SessionState SQL Server Stackman