Care Full-time care for infants and preschoolers, and before and after school care for school-age children After school programs for teenagers, extracurricular activities, babysitting when not at work Food Food for home preparation take-out, fast-food, or restaurant meals or drinks Transportation Car ownership cost (per adult)— insurance, gas, oil, registration, repairs, monthly payments —or public transportation when adequate. Non-essential travel, vacations, etc. Health Care Employer-sponsored insurance premium and out-of-pocket costs Health savings account, gym memberships, individual health insurance Taxes Federal and state income tax and tax credits, payroll taxes, and state and local sales taxes Itemized deductions, tax preparation fees or other taxes (property taxes are included in housing costs and gasoline taxes in transportation) Miscellaneous Clothing, shoes, paper products, diapers, nonprescription medicines, cleaning products, household items, personal items, and telephone service Recreation, entertainment, savings, emergencies, debt repayment, pets, education/training, gifts, broadband/ internet, student loan repayment