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Rubyistなら知っておきたい継承の話 / The inheritance for Rubyist

Hiroyuki Morita
July 29, 2018

Rubyistなら知っておきたい継承の話 / The inheritance for Rubyist

TokyuRuby会議 12

Hiroyuki Morita

July 29, 2018


  1. ૬ଓ੫ͷਃࠂɾೲ෇͸10ϲ݄Ҏ಺ begin start = Time.now if ਃࠂ͕ඞཁ? ਃࠂ ೲ੫ raise

    'ظݶΦʔόʔ' if Time.now > start + 10.months end rescue ೲ੫ֹ + ແਃࠂՃࢉ੫ + Ԇ଺੫ end
  2. ਃࠂͷ൑ఆ͸? جૅ߇আ = 30_000_000 def ਃࠂ͕ඞཁ? ૬ଓֹ > جૅ߇আ +

    ૬ଓਓ * 6_000_000 end def ૬ଓֹ amount ||= 0 amount += parent.ݱۚ amount += parent.༬ஷۚ amount += parent.ূ݊ amount += parent.౔஍ amount += parent.ݐ෺ amount += parent.ࣗಈं amount -= parent.࠴຿ end
  3. !