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Low Level Git

Low Level Git

Hiroyuki Morita

December 05, 2013

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  1. 3 Objects...? • Commit (f7a253e) • .git/objects/f7/a253ed90a5bb56d6cd8b3580485a7ae23acc88 • ??? (05934ea)

    • .git/objects/05/934ea69782016b0fbaa7bf46d574cefb039958 • ??? (802992c) • .git/objects/80/2992c4220de19a90767f3000a79a31b98d0df7
  2. Commit/Tree/Blob • Commit (f7a253e) • .git/objects/f7/a253ed90a5bb56d6cd8b3580485a7ae23acc88 • Tree (05934ea) •

    .git/objects/05/934ea69782016b0fbaa7bf46d574cefb039958 • Blob (802992c) • .git/objects/80/2992c4220de19a90767f3000a79a31b98d0df7
  3. Commit has... • Reference to ‘a’ Tree Object • Author

    & Committer • Commit Message ! • (Reference(s) to parent)
  4. Tree has... • Reference to Blob Objects • & File

    name • & File Permission ! • (Reference to Tree Objects)
  5. • alias to commits • ex) • HEAD • master

    • some_branch • origin/master Reference?
  6. Reference • ࣮ફ Git - ௿Ϩϕϧʹ஌Δ Git • http://www.slideshare.net/youhei/ git-12695573

    • ʲ຋༁ʳGitΛϘτϜΞοϓ͔Βཧղ͢ Δ • http://keijinsonyaban.blogspot.jp/2011/05/