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Workshop: How to deal with the “technical” in “...

Clare Sudbery
November 04, 2024

Workshop: How to deal with the “technical” in “technical leadership”, Mon 4th Nov '24

[This workshop was delivered at Lead Dev Berlin '24, on Mon 4th Nov '24]

How technical do technical leaders have to be? Are you worried that you’re too hands-on, or not hands-on enough? Are you exhausting yourself trying to keep up with every technical detail in your domain?

Sometimes individual contributors are promoted to leadership positions and worry that they won’t be as hands-on as they used to be. Sometimes they worry that they no longer have time to stay up to date with modern technology and / or the state of their team’s code base(s). Sometimes it’s the other way around: Somebody who has never been hands-on in the technical realm is given a leadership position, and worries they’re “not technical enough”.

Whatever your position, this workshop will help you to overcome your worries and figure out the best attitude and approach for you and your circumstances.

## Takeaways
• How to embrace the difference between individual contributor and technical leader
• How to take a step back from “knowing all the things”
• How to make the most of the knowledge and experience of your team
• How to identify when technical knowledge matters, and when it doesn’t
• How to learn the things you need to know

Clare Sudbery

November 04, 2024


  1. @ClareSudbery Workshop lasts 80 mins We’ll have a 10-min break

    after approx 40 mins 00:00 – 02:00 MANY
  2. @ClareSudbery Write your biggest worry on a sticky note Be

    specific (not just "I worry I'm not technical enough") Write clearly – people need to read it Remember what you wrote! 02:00 – 05:00
  3. @ClareSudbery Other half of the room, take one sticky note

    each One that’s close to your worry …or is a worry that you share 05:00 – 10:00 MANY
  4. @ClareSudbery Walk around, waving your sticky note Find the person

    who wrote it Form a pair with them Introduce yourselves! Name + role 05:00 – 10:00 MANY
  5. @ClareSudbery Choose a worry you both share You can write

    a new sticky if you like Remember what you wrote! 10:00 – 15:00
  6. @ClareSudbery This half of the room, put your sticky notes

    up One per pair 15:00 – 20:00 MANY
  7. @ClareSudbery Other half of the room, take one sticky note

    per pair Stay in pairs Try to choose a worry that you share 15:00 – 20:00 MANY
  8. @ClareSudbery Walk around, waving your sticky note Find the pair

    who wrote it Form a group with them Introduce yourselves! Name + role 15:00 – 20:00 MANY
  9. @ClareSudbery Which category are you? • Leadership after being hands-on

    technical • Leadership after being NOT technical • Senior developer aspiring to leadership • [new categories] 20:00 – 25:00
  10. @ClareSudbery Write down ONE piece of advice to address your

    worry On a sticky note Individually (not in pairs or groups) [Note for Clare: Put big stickies up] 25:00 – 30:00
  11. Ilianna: Terraform Kirsty: Hadoop Mircea: iOS Native Esra: SonarQube Georgia:

    Golang Rob: AWS Scott: AiOps Andy: Encryption Anik: PySpark Jon: CentOS 7 THE WHEEL OF CONFUSION
  12. Terraform CentOS 7 Hadoop iOS Native SonarQube Golang AWS AiOps

    PySpark Recursion THE WHEEL OF CONFUSION
  13. Terraform CentOS 7 Hadoop iOS Native SonarQube Golang AWS AiOps

    Recursion Encryption THE WHEEL OF CONFUSION
  14. Terraform CentOS 7 Hadoop iOS Native Golang AWS AiOps 398373

    Encryption PySpark THE WHEEL OF CONFUSION
  15. @ClareSudbery The Stupidity Manifesto LET’S STOP MAKING EACH OTHER FEEL

    STUPID. INSTEAD, LET’S… • ENCOURAGE EVERYONE TO ASK QUESTIONS • Lead by example: Be honest when we’re confused • Value curiosity over knowledge • Prioritise clarity over jargon • Remember we all forget stuff • Get excited about teaching and learning • Acknowledge the broad range of knowledge in our industry, and avoid judging someone if their knowledge doesn’t match ours • LET’S STOP MAKING EACH OTHER FEEL STUPID. Sign the manifesto:
  16. @ClareSudbery Read all the big sticky notes Take yours and

    add it to any similar big sticky If nothing similar, put in separate area, but… …CHECK FIRST for anything similar there 50:00 – 55:00
  17. @ClareSudbery Find a sticky DIFFERENT to yours Copy it down

    onto a small sticky Take it back to your group 55:00 – 60:00 MANY
  18. @ClareSudbery Discuss all the sticky notes you have In your

    groups Are they useful? Why? Why not? 55:00 – 60:00 MANY
  19. @ClareSudbery Write two header stickies: “INSPIRED” and “STILL WORRIED” In

    your groups Add stickies under both categories 55:00 – 60:00 MANY
  20. Sudbery Software Engineering Ltd Do you or your team need

    help? Group leadership coaching Technical coaching Keynotes & workshops Events and info: tinyurl.com/csudbery Mastodon: mastodon.social/@ClareSudbery LinkedIn: tinyurl.com/lin-csudbery Podcast: tinyurl.com/tech-better-pod