Clare Sudbery is an independent technical coach who has worked in software engineering since the mid 90s. She specialises in TDD, refactoring, pairing, continuous integration and other eXtreme Programming (XP) practices.

In 2009, Clare sharpened her teaching skills via a brief stint as a high school maths teacher… but quickly returned to software, gaining new energy via XP. Clare teaches the Coding Black Females’ Return to Tech programme, runs various online trainings for O’Reilly, and co-ran Made Tech’s academy. She has a passion for helping under-represented groups to flourish in tech.

Clare hosted Season One of the acclaimed Making Tech Better podcast, and is in high demand to present workshops and talks at a wide variety of international conferences and events (just a few include Lead Dev London, GOTO, YOW!, O’Reilly Software Architecture Superstream, Women in Technology Global Series, Joy of Coding, Agile on the Beach, XP 20xx, Agile 20xx, OOP Munich).


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