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Get Started "Firebase"

November 29, 2021

Get Started "Firebase"


November 29, 2021


  1. SPEAKER const my_info = { Name: ‘Kuwahara KEETH Kiyohito’, Company:

    ‘Yumemi Inc’, Position: ‘FE Tech Lead/Board’, Skills: ‘Riot.js/Next.js/Nuxt.js’, }
  2. OUTLINE ▸ Founded in 2011 ▸ Acquired by google in

    2014 ▸ mBaaS(mobile Backend as a Service) ▸ Very similar to AWS Amplify ▸ Recommended for small business, personal development, start-up ▸ We can use a lot of functions even for free
  3. FIREBASE HOSTING ▸ Deliver content over a secure connection ▸

    Deliver content at high speed ▸ Deploy new versions with a single command Image by: https://www.topgate.co.jp/ fi rebase01-what-is- fi rebase
  4. CLOUD FIRESTORE ▸ NoSQL type Database ▸ Realtime updates ▸

    Sophisticated query processing ▸ Of fl ine support Image by: https://www.topgate.co.jp/ fi rebase01-what-is- fi rebase
  5. REALTIME DATABASE ▸ NoSQL type Database ▸ Realtime updates ▸

    Scaling across multiple databases ▸ Of fl ine support Image by: https://www.topgate.co.jp/ fi rebase01-what-is- fi rebase
  6. CLOUD FIRESTORE OR REALTIME DATABASE or cloud fi restore realtime

    database https:// fi rebase.google.com/docs/ fi restore/rtdb-vs- fi restore?authuser=0
  7. AUTHENTICATION ▸ Drop-in Authentication Solution ▸ Email and password based

    authentication ▸ Integration with Federation Identity Providers Image by: https://www.topgate.co.jp/ fi rebase01-what-is- fi rebase
  8. CLOUD STORAGE FOR FIREBASE ▸ Robust operations ▸ Strong security

    ▸ High scalability Image by: https://www.topgate.co.jp/ fi rebase01-what-is- fi rebase
  9. CLOUD FUNCTIONS ▸ Firebase platform integration ▸ Maintenance free ▸

    Maintain con fi dentiality and security of logic Image by: https://www.topgate.co.jp/ fi rebase01-what-is- fi rebase
  10. TODO LIST ▸ Create TODO app with React ▸ Deploy

    to fi rebase Hosting ▸ Manage data with fi rebase fi restore ▸ Add authentication capabilities with fi rebase auth
  11. SORRY… 🙇Sorry…🙇 This demo application is created using React. I

    will explain the code as needed, but I assume you have a basic knowledge of HTML/CSS/JavaScript, so if you don't understand it, it would be helpful if you could copy the code I write.
  12. AT THE END ▸ There's nothing new today’s contents ▸

    There is a lot of information on the internet ▸ We have to walk your own path beyond the introduction ▸ This is the same for academia and IT.