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The things to be careful when making slides

September 21, 2018

The things to be careful when making slides


September 21, 2018


  1. The things to be careful when creating slides k-kuwahara @kuwahara_jsri

    @clown0082 Sep 21, 2018 ొஃͷٕज़Λษڧ͢Δձ #1
  2. About me const my_info = { Workplace: ‘Yumemi Inc’, Community:

    ‘Riot.js, Ionic, Dist’, Favorites: ‘CLI made by Node.js’, PokemonGO: ‘TL38’ }
  3. Sorry... " This slide is made in English. But, I

    am unfamiliar using English. So I may have a wrong expression. Plz feedback for me called “Masakari” about my English
  4. Problems of black companies • Base salary is too low

    • Excessive working hours are required • Overtime work isn’t paid despite working overtime • Paid vacation can not be used
  5. Comparison Riot.js and Vue.js ɾGood Points of Riot.js ɹɾLightweight (10.80kb

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  6. No

  7. We using pictures or photos, pictures or photos, We using

    pictures or photos, and graphs. We using pictures or photos, We using text (as a base),
  8. 1. Teach someone 2. See the real thing 3. Experience

    4. Reading textbooks, watching images 5. Listen to explanation Human understanding degree