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Node.js compared to Java App Servers

Niko Köbler
September 06, 2015

Node.js compared to Java App Servers

Niko Köbler

September 06, 2015

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  1. .js .js Node Node compared to traditional compared to traditional

    Java EE Java EE Servers Servers Application Application Niko Köbler Independent Software-Architect, Developer & Trainer > > > niko@n-k.de www.n-k.de @dasniko
  2. ? ? Why Why Java app servers are Java app

    servers are !? !? > > dead dead > Node.js > Node.js app! app! hipster hipster Java is Java is ... (and Node.js is fast?) ... (and Node.js is fast?) > > slow slow But is that all true? But is that all true? Which one is Which one is / / / / ? ? faster faster better better hipster hipster
  3. Node.js performance +20% vs. Java ...but no async code in

    Java...! > http://blog.shinetech.com/2013/10/22/performance-comparison-between-node-js-and-java-ee/
  4. Rock-solid foundation Cross-compiling from one to the other .js Node

    Java Topic Topic winning winning Remote debugging Database queries JSON Solid engineering Speed Threads Momentum Ubiquity Better IDEs Build process simplified Libraries http://www.infoworld.com/article/2883328/java/java-vs-nodejs-an-epic-battle-for-developer-mindshare.html
  5. was the was the ? ? What What challenge challenge

    About UseCases and About UseCases and MicroServices MicroServices
  6. The The Customer Customer conservative > anxious, frightened standards are

    10-15 years behind > beware of all "new" (tech bubbles) "enterprise chief architect" > > >
  7. The The UseCase UseCase key management, use every key only

    once > ~10.000.000 keys per day (avg. 115 req/sec, max. 900 req/sec) business analysts advised MongoDB > no NoSQL database used so far > >
  8. Create a Create a ! ! MicroService MicroService bounded (api)

    context > independendly deployable own datastore (we used key/value store) > resilience (w/ use of ) scalable > lightweight own process > > Redis Sentinel > >
  9. Let's use Let's use .js! .js! Node Node one, lightweight,

    independent process > good and easy-to-use redis/sentinel communication (also ) few lines of code > solution was after 30mins of coding > asnychronously > ready
  10. You have to use You have to use ! !

    Java Java Can I use ? > No, only (Java EE 6 with Java 7) But that's a heavy-weighted, old-fashioned application server, and everybody is claiming: > ! Do I really have to use such a rhinoceros for such a small "no-brainer"? > Vert.x JBoss EAP 6 > App Servers are dead >
  11. did we solve it? did we solve it? How How

    Let's have a look into the Let's have a look into the ... ... code code
  12. Thanks to Thanks to ! ! @Suspend @Suspend Java EE

    6 / JAX-RS 1.x doesn't support async requests > synchronous requests result in many HTTP threads Resteasy provides annotation > processing becomes true in JAX-RS 1.x > For the sake of : use an asynchronous redis connector > worker > @Suspend Asynchronous completeness
  13. ! ! Results Results Node.js: 1 OS thread > JBoss

    EAP: 1 JVM thread, only ~3 used > http-worker-threads load/stress tests were performed with .io > Gatling 50 threads min tps Node.js 1ms ~2.000 req/sec JBoss EAP 1ms ~2.000 req/sec
  14. about... about... Think Think using http-worker-threads > your code/infrastructure your

    services using (or Spring Boot, Vert.x, whatever) instead of EAP > ...you it! > more optimizing > scaling > Wildfly Swarm name
  15. It doesn't It doesn't matter matter which technology you use.

    which technology you use. Use it Use it ! ! right right
  16. Thank Thank ! ! you you Any Any ? ?

    Questions Questions Niko Köbler Independent Software-Architect, Developer & Trainer > > > niko@n-k.de www.n-k.de @dasniko Blogpost: http://www.n-k.de/2015/01/high-performance-microservices-nodejs.html