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Progressive Delivery Talk at AWS re:Invent 2019

Dave Karow
December 05, 2019

Progressive Delivery Talk at AWS re:Invent 2019

Our lightning talks at AWS this year were about how anyone can now adopt the Progressive Delivery practices of high-cadence Continuous Delivery leaders that have been in place for a decade or more at LinkedIn, Microsoft, Booking.com and others:
- Manage Gradual Releases by Decoupling Deploy From Release
- Monitor Gradual Releases to Limit The Blast Radius
- Experiment to Prove Features Have The Desired Impact

Split was founded by teammates that had used LinkedIn's XLNT/LIX platform (and others) and missed the power of such a platform once moving on to RelateIQ. After building an MVP at RelateIQ and once again seeing the power of such a platform, the founders set out to create a full-featured and robust commercial solution, extablishing Split in October of 2015.

Now the full power of a robust Feature Delivery Platform is available to anyone who subscribes to Split.

Full video of this talk (re-recorded in a quiet room away from the busy expo hall!), Q&A and resources for deeper learning are posted at https://www.split.io/blog/top-takeaways-aws-reinvent-2019/

Dave Karow

December 05, 2019


  1. The future is already here — it's just not very

    evenly distributed. William Gibson
  2. Manage is About Control of Exposure ...grant early access ...limit

    the blast radius ...define surface area for learning How do we decouple deploy from release? And decouple revert from rollback?
  3. Monitoring Quiz If you roll out a change to just

    5% of your population and 20% (1 in 5) of those users get an error, what % of your total user population is getting that error?
  4. 3 Step Implementation: Create Split, Call SDK, Ingest Events Call

    Split SDK from your frontend, backend, or mobile apps. - In memory decisions - No private user data sent to Split 2 Ingest events via SDK, pre-built integrations, or open API 3 Create Split at app.split.io: - Split name - Targeting rules 1