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The challenges facing the NHS

Dave Tomlinson
May 23, 2014

The challenges facing the NHS

NHS Confederation infographic on the NHS in 2014

Dave Tomlinson

May 23, 2014


  1. The challenges facing the NHS Our 2015 Challenge campaign brings

    into focus the scale and nature of change needed to ensure a sustainable healthcare system for the future. The NHS and politicians need to work together to address these challenges. NHS leaders NHS leaders MPs MPs The The NHS needs to make large-scale changes to maintain current levels of care. Not confident in their local area’s ability to achieve change. To support change, MPs need: •  Evidence that changes will improve care. •  Public backing of clinicians. Nearly a quarter of MPs said that none of the above would persuade them to back changes if their constituents were opposed. BUT Lack of political support is a barrier to change. Their  constituents will oppose changes. Their local NHS needs to change to meet the needs of patients in the future. There’s no political will to permit the necessary changes. 51% 81% 70% 78% 43% 58% nhsconfed.org @nhsconfed #2015challenge 1. Greater commitment to working collaboratively across organisations. 2. Clinical support for and involvement in changes. 3. Open and honest public discussion about the need for change. 4. Good evidence base for changes. 5. Greater involvement of frontline staff in strategic decision making. •  Evidence that changes will save money. The need for change Lack confidence ability changes of about the to make NHS leaders believe that political support for change is more important than extra investment. solution