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Building your own Code metrics tool for Ruby

Building your own Code metrics tool for Ruby

there are three parts of the talk

first we will cover how to use the parser gem to parse ruby code
this we will use to analyse ruby code and build a simple custom
metric of our own. this a static analysis tool

in the second part of the talk we will see at some
simple low-fidelity visualizations that we can do

In the third and last part we will see how to get
metrics out of production code

Deepak Kannan

March 23, 2014

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  1. Building your own Code metrics tool for Ruby Metrics and

    Visualization by @deepak_kannan http://codemancers.com/ Monday, 24 March 14 Hello friends meat of the talk is about code metrics we will touch upon visualization and metrics in production
  2. LEVERAGE Monday, 24 March 14 humans are expert tool makers

    and creators eg. levers. lifting a stone is hard. a lever makes it easy tools as the same way. they give us leverage
  3. EXPLORE Monday, 24 March 14 create a map of the

    unknown. good for consultants jumping in an unknown codebase
  4. A NUMBER Which represents a fact Monday, 24 March 14

    cyclomatic complexity. we have taken this essential fact and boiled it down to a number
  5. (class (const nil :Foo) nil (begin (def :initialize (args) (ivasgn

    :@i (int 1))) (def :process (args) (begin (lvasgn :test (send (float 2.5) :+ (float 2.5))) (lvasgn :b (int 1)) (ivasgn :@a (send (lvar :test) :+ (lvar :b))))))) Monday, 24 March 14 Output It is a sexp. quite messy. but un-ambiquous
  6. LISP Monday, 24 March 14 sexp is a short form

    of symbolic expression John McCarthy here. creator of LISP
  7. LISP Monday, 24 March 14 enough about LISP could not

    resist the sidetrack once we encountered sexp's
  8. (class (const nil :Foo) nil (begin (def :initialize (args) (ivasgn

    :@i (int 1))) (def :process (args) (begin (lvasgn :test (send (float 2.5) :+ (float 2.5))) (lvasgn :b (int 1)) (ivasgn :@a (send (lvar :test) :+ (lvar :b))))))) Monday, 24 March 14 Output. It is a sexp. quite messy bunch of rules which go into parsing ruby code. precedence, def foo; end; f = foo #no parens un-ambiquous representation of that
  9. require 'ripper' #=> [:program, [:vcall, [:@ident, "to", [1, 10]]]] pp

    Ripper.sexp 'Hey, like to#$%$#$!PARSE RUBY' #~ syntax error, unexpected tIDENTIFIER, expecting keyword_do or '{' or '(' Hey, like to#$%$#$!PARSE RUBY DOES NOT HANDLE BAD SYNTAX Monday, 24 March 14 Disadvantage is that it does not handle bad syntax
  10. POPULAR Monday, 24 March 14 lot of code analysis tools

    like flay (similar code) flog (cyclomatic complexity) reek (code smells) use ruby_parser
  11. https://github.com/whitequark/parser require 'parser/current' pp Parser::CurrentRuby.parse("1 + 1") (send (int 1)

    :+ (int 1)) Monday, 24 March 14 like the output format. AST output is full documented as well
  12. Output is a just a little bit nicer require 'parser/current'

    pp Parser::CurrentRuby.parse("1 + 1.2") (send (int 1) :+ (float 1.2)) Monday, 24 March 14 Output is just a little bit nicer tells me that one is int and one is float
  13. ruby_parser identifies everything as lit (literal) require 'ruby_parser' pp RubyParser.new.parse('1

    + 1.2') s(:call, s(:lit, 1), :+, s(:lit, 1.2)) Monday, 24 March 14
  14. PARSING OUTPUT parsing output of parser which is a sexp

    (symbolic expression) Monday, 24 March 14 once we get a sexp we have to read and process it. in short this is the process we will take a look at two short examples
  15. HAVING BOTH IS WORSE eg: a = 1 + 2.5

    Monday, 24 March 14 eg. a = 1 + 2.5
  16. INPUT class Foo attr_accessor :i def initialize @i = 1

    end def process test = 2.5 + 2.5 b = 1 @a = test + b end end Monday, 24 March 14
  17. (class (const nil :Foo) nil (begin (def :initialize (args) (ivasgn

    :@i (int 1))) (def :process (args) (begin (lvasgn :test (send (float 2.5) :+ (float 2.5))) (lvasgn :b (int 1)) (ivasgn :@a (send (lvar :test) :+ (lvar :b))))))) Monday, 24 March 14 Output It is a sexp. quite messy
  18. INVOCATION parser = Parser::CurrentRuby.parse("a = 1 + 2") Monday, 24

    March 14 We will do it slightly differently
  19. code = File.read(path) builder = SexpLisper::Builder.new parser = Parser::CurrentRuby.new(builder) parser.diagnostics.all_errors_are_fatal

    = true parser.diagnostics.ignore_warnings = true ast, comments = parser.parse_with_comments(source_buffer) custom builder Diagnostics Monday, 24 March 14 we also need to handle parse errors i return nil as ast in those cases and handle nil
  20. grepping Floats class FloatCheck < Parser::AST::Processor def on_float(node) log(node, :float)

    end end dispatch on type Monday, 24 March 14 we are dispatching on type of the node
  21. {"input1.rb"=> [ { line: 9, value: 2.5, type: :float },

    { line: 9, value: 2.5, type: :float } ] } OUTPUT Monday, 24 March 14
  22. AST node types for variables ivasgn To instance variable eg:

    @foo = bar lvasgn To local variable eg: foo = bar lvar local variable eg: foo = bar; 10 > foo Monday, 24 March 14 many types here. this is because of ruby's grammer see parser gems AST docs. one more reason to prefer that gem others also class variables (cvar), global variable (gvar)
  23. class SingleVariableCheck < Analysis def on_ivasgn(node) # eg: @i log(node,

    :single_var) if single_letter_variable? end def on_lvar(node) log(node, :single_var) if single_letter_variable? end end Monday, 24 March 14 lot of types here
  24. OUTPUT {"input1.rb"=> [ { line: 10, value: :b, type: :single_var

    }, { line: 11, value: :@a, type: :single_var }, { line: 11, value: :b, type: :single_var } ] } Monday, 24 March 14 Then we aggregate and get a final score
  25. SIMILAR TO PARSING XML Monday, 24 March 14 or maybe

    XML is similar to sexps :-) event parser
  26. require 'parser/current' require 'ruby-lint' class Analysis < RubyLint::Iterator # track

    current_scope mainly end metric = DumbMetric.new code = File.read(path) ast, comments = RubyLint::Parser.new.parse(code, path) vm = RubyLint::VirtualMachine.new(:comments => comments) vm.run(ast) metric.process vm, ast use ruby-lint Monday, 24 March 14 RubyLint::VirtualMachine know about the AST defines callbacks like current_scope, on_ivar eg. when we encounter an instance variable
  27. Monday, 24 March 14 Sadly No. barfs on some inputs.

    but it is neat RuboCop using AST::Processor and RubyLint has its own recursive function called Iterator your mileage may vary. check it out
  28. GLORIFIED GREP Monday, 24 March 14 it is like we

    have built our own grep with pattern matching (regex for source code) node.loc.expression.source node.loc.expression.source.lines.to_a
  29. class ConstAnalyzer < Analysis def on_const node log node if

    has_dependency? node end end class ClassAnalyzer < Analysis def on_class node current_class = const_name(node) def_check = ConstAnalyzer.new(current_class, report) def_check.process(node) end def const_name node node.children[0].children[1] end end Monday, 24 March 14 dependency analysis we manually keep track of scope call ConstAnalyzer manually. having another on_const callback does not work
  30. class Person attr_accessor :conference def initialize @conference = RubyConf.new end

    end class RubyConf SCHEDULE = {"morning 10" => "keynote", "evening 6" => "drinks" end class Feedback attr_accessor :conference def initialize @conference = RubyConf.new end end Monday, 24 March 14 input
  31. { :Person => [{:line=>5, :value=>:RubyConf, :type=>:dependency}], :Feedback => [ {:line=>17,

    :value=>:RubyConf, :type=>:dependency} ] } output Monday, 24 March 14 input
  32. USE GIT Monday, 24 March 14 use git to see

    old revisions and run a metric for each revision
  33. #!/bin/bash # usage: # ./report_for_each_sha.sh 'ruby ../dumb_metric.rb fibonacci.rb' set -e

    test_command=$1 main() { revs=`git log --oneline | cut -d ' ' -f 1` for rev in $revs; do echo $rev git checkout --quiet $rev score=$(eval "$test_command") echo "$rev, $score" >> output.csv done git checkout master } main Monday, 24 March 14 checkout revision and run script of that version. use a small bash script
  34. USE HIGHCHARTS for linecharts Monday, 24 March 14 use git

    to see old revisions and run a metric for each revision use jsfiddle for quick prototypes
  35. require 'rake' require 'treemap' require 'treemap/image_output' treemap = Treemap::Node.new(label: 'dumb

    metric') dir_score.each do |dir, score| child = Treemap::Node.new(size: score, label: dir) treemap.add_child(child) end output = Treemap::HtmlOutput.new do |o| o.width = 800 o.height = 600 o.center_labels_at_depth = 1 end html = output.to_html(treemap) File.open('dumb_metric_treemap.html', 'w') { |out| out << html } Monday, 24 March 14 treemap library is a bit old
  36. Monday, 24 March 14 useful for showing structured data (eg.

    a single number as metric) in a limited area. can show many data points. ran it on active_support
  37. PRODUCTION METRICS Monday, 24 March 14 now for the last

    part, we will talk about production metrics
  38. HELP TO FACT CHECK against production Monday, 24 March 14

    why they are important. giving example of cyclomatic complexity of a function production metrics help to fact check against production
  39. counter = Metriks.counter('duplicate_offline_user_detected') counter.increment Monday, 24 March 14 use it

    to track expensive computations. track if an obscure if condition is hit