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DevOps Patterns & Anti-Patterns

November 19, 2015

DevOps Patterns & Anti-Patterns


November 19, 2015

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  1. .co.il www. State of devops 2015 High-performing IT organizations deploy

    30x more frequently with 200x shorter lead times; they have 60x fewer failures and recover 168x faster.
  2. .co.il www. state of devops 2015 Lean management and continuous

    delivery practices create the conditions for delivering value faster, sustainably.
  3. .co.il www. state of devops 2015 High performance is achievable

    whether your apps are greenfield, brownfield or legacy.
  4. .co.il www. state of devops 2015 IT managers play a

    critical role in any DevOp stransformation.
  5. .co.il www. state of devops 2015 Deployment pain can tell

    you a lot about your IT performance.
  6. .co.il www. Lean principles • Eliminate waste • Amplify learning

    • Decide as late as possible • Deliver as fast as possible • Empower the team • Build quality in • See the whole
  7. .co.il www. Eliminate waste • unnecessary code and functionality •

    delay in the software development process • unclear requirements • avoidable process repetition (often caused by insufficient testing) • bureaucracy • slow internal communication
  8. .co.il www. Decide as late as possible • Just-in-time •

    Pull system - Kanban • Bottoms-up decisions • Genchi Genbutsu (現地現物) - Go and see
  9. .co.il www. Kanban Fundamentals • Start with what you do

    now • Agree to persue incremental, evolutionary change • Respect the current process, roles, responsibilities & titles
  10. .co.il www. Kanban Core Properties 1. Visualize the workflow 2.

    Limit WIP 3. Manage Flow 4. Make Process Policies Explicit 5. Improve Collaboratively (using models & the scientific method)
  11. Build Quality IN Cease dependence on mass inspection to achieve

    quality. Improve the process and build quality into the product in the first place. -- W. Edwards Deming
  12. .co.il www. Inhibitors to Lean Delivery • Work variance /

    variability • Annual planning • Redundant systems • Dependencies → Wait states • Lack of Integration • Lack of visibility
  13. .co.il www. manual process for release lacks repeatability/speed “Earlier today

    members were disconnected from Xbox LIVE and found themselves unable to log back in. … The root cause of this outage was human error.” - Microsoft blogs.msdn.com/b/xblops/archive/2011/10/03/issues-with-xbox-live-earlier-today.aspx
  14. .co.il www. Standardize Processes collaboratively create a clearly understood peer-reviewed

    ops checklist (run book) then turn it into scripts + monitoring and throw the document away
  15. practical changes for the better ◦ alerts with great signal

    to noise ratio. e.g. Google SRE notes & StackExchange Alerts ◦ standard procedures and checklists. e.g. AWS Operational Checklist ◦ practice recovery from system failures. e.g. Netflix downtime & Xbox downtime ◦ practice backup with restore to dev/test. e.g. Netflix Priam ◦ infrastructure as code & auto-healing. e.g. Antifragile Systems ◦ simplicity is prerequisite for reliability. e.g. Forrester Devops & Simple Made Easy
  16. We invite you to join Operations Israel Facebook group on

    on.fb.me/Ops-IL we are hiring at jobs@devops.co.il Thank you! www.devops.co.il
  17. .co.il www. A CTO’s Guide to Scaling Organizations slideshare.net/RandyShoup/a-ctos-guide-to-scaling-organizations The

    Problem Solving Pattern Matters: Part One, The Problem Solving Pattern kmci.org/alllifeisproblemsolving/archives/the-problem-solving-pattern-matters-part-one-the-problem-solving-pattern/ The Problem Solving Pattern Matters:L Part Two, Some Types of Problem Solving Patterns kmci.org/alllifeisproblemsolving/archives/the-problem-solving-pattern-matters-part-two-some-types-of-problem-solving-patterns/ The Problem Solving Pattern Matters: Part Three, The PSP and Rabbit Organizations kmci.org/alllifeisproblemsolving/archives/the-problem-solving-pattern-matters-part-three-the-psp-and-rabbit-organizations/ - http://sysadvent.blogspot.co.il/2014/12/day-12-ops-and-development-teams.html - http://sysadvent.blogspot.co.il/2008/12/day-23-change-management.html - hbr.org/2012/05/six-myths-of-product-development Reference: