This talk has been presented at Angular Connect '17 and is giving an overview of different web security related things you should be aware of. The source code of the slides can be found here:
Credentials const accountSid = 'ACxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'; const authToken = 'your_auth_token'; // require the Twilio module and create a REST client const client = require('twilio')(accountSid, authToken); client.messages .create({ to: '+16518675309', from: '+14158141829', body: 'The Force will be with you. Always.' }) .then(message => console.log(message.sid)); Add messaging, voice, video and authentication in your apps with the language you already use Dominik Kundel | @dkundel | #angularconnect
It even uses HSTS (HTTP Strict Transport Security) no mixed content Sanitized HTML No room for SQL injections Dominik Kundel | @dkundel | #angularconnect
csrf, (req, res, next) => { // pass csrf to front-end via _csrf cookie or // req.csrfToken() in template });'/post', csrf, (req, res, next) => { // only valid if one of these is the same as the cookie: // req.body._csrf // req.query._csrf // req.headers['csrf-token'] // req.headers['xsrf-token'] // req.headers['x-csrf-token'] // req.headers['x-xsrf-token'] }); Dominik Kundel | @dkundel | #angularconnect
framing using Don't show versions of front-end libs or server Check for types of input(Can cause NoSQL injections) Dominik Kundel | @dkundel | #angularconnect