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WFHConf - Move to TypeScript at your own Pace

WFHConf - Move to TypeScript at your own Pace

In this talk we'll cover how you can benefit from TypeScript and how you can move your project, step by step, at your own pace.

Dominik Kundel

March 26, 2020

More Decks by Dominik Kundel

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  1. How to move your project to TypeScript WFHConf 2020 Dominik

    Kundel d-k.im/ts-wfhconf Dominik Kundel | @dkundel | #workfromhomeconf |
  2. Dominik Kundel | @dkundel | #workfromhomeconf| console.log(` Hi! I’m Dominik

    Kundel `); dkundel.com @dkundel dkundel@twilio.com github/dkundel Developer Evangelist !&& JavaScript Hacker
  3. What is TypeScript? ▶ Superset of JavaScript ▶ Introduces static

    types to the language ▶ Provides a compiler & language service Dominik Kundel | @dkundel | #workfromhomeconf |
  4. Why TypeScript ▶ Safer code ▶ Better user/developer experience ▶

    Faster/easier refactoring Dominik Kundel | @dkundel | #workfromhomeconf |
  5. Example Webpack ▶ Webpack is written in JS and uses

    TypeScript ▶ github.com/webpack/webpack/ pull/6862 Dominik Kundel | @dkundel | #workfromhomeconf |
  6. Dominik Kundel | @dkundel | #workfromhomeconf | How to leverage

    TypeScript the way YOU want to! At your own pace!