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Everything You Never Wanted to Know About Entre...

Matthew Draycott
July 01, 2012

Everything You Never Wanted to Know About Entrepreneurship

Matt's lesson, part of the new EEW enterprise education PGCE module. This session covers entrepreneurial skills and how they've been defined from different authors perspectives, it also discusses the difference between enterprise and entrepreneurship, showcases CfEL's model from Glyndwr and finally signposts to some specific resources.

Matthew Draycott

July 01, 2012


  1. Present history of entrepreneurial academia to introduce different ideas which

    have influenced the definition this term. Wednesday, 25 January 12
  2. Discuss the relationship between enterprise and entrepreneurship. Present history of

    entrepreneurial academia to introduce different ideas which have influenced the definition this term. Wednesday, 25 January 12
  3. Discuss the relationship between enterprise and entrepreneurship. Present history of

    entrepreneurial academia to introduce different ideas which have influenced the definition this term. Introduce my model of enterprise skills and the linked andragogy. Wednesday, 25 January 12
  4. Discuss the relationship between enterprise and entrepreneurship. Present history of

    entrepreneurial academia to introduce different ideas which have influenced the definition this term. Introduce my model of enterprise skills and the linked andragogy. Signpost to resources for delivering enterprise and entrepreneurial education experiences. Wednesday, 25 January 12
  5. J. B. Say: 1767-1832  S a y c o

    i n e d t h e t e r m "entrepreneur" in around 1805 emphasising the vital and creative role of the entrepreneur in the economy. Wednesday, 25 January 12
  6.  J. Schumpeter: 1833-1950  D e f i n

    e d t h e r o l e o f t h e entrepreneur as one of combining various input factors in an innovative manner to generate value. Wednesday, 25 January 12
  7. P. Drucker: 1909 - 2005 The behaviour of the entrepreneur

    reflects a person willing to put their security on the line and take risks in the name of an idea, spending time and/or capital on uncertain ventures. Wednesday, 25 January 12
  8. Israel Kirznir: 1930 Kirzner saw the entrepreneur as an “alert

    profit-seeker” an individual, motivated by profit opportunities who develops the ability to notice, without search, opportunities that have been overlooked. Wednesday, 25 January 12
  9. Trait Theory 1980’s – 1990’s McLelland, Brockhaus, Davidson Internal locus

    of control High for propensity risk-taking Wednesday, 25 January 12
  10. Trait Theory 1980’s – 1990’s McLelland, Brockhaus, Davidson Internal locus

    of control High for propensity risk-taking Tolerance of ambiguity Wednesday, 25 January 12
  11. Trait Theory 1980’s – 1990’s McLelland, Brockhaus, Davidson Internal locus

    of control High for propensity risk-taking Tolerance of ambiguity Need for autonomy Wednesday, 25 January 12
  12. Trait Theory 1980’s – 1990’s McLelland, Brockhaus, Davidson Internal locus

    of control High for propensity risk-taking Tolerance of ambiguity Need for autonomy The capacity for endurance Wednesday, 25 January 12
  13. Trait Theory 1980’s – 1990’s McLelland, Brockhaus, Davidson Internal locus

    of control High for propensity risk-taking Tolerance of ambiguity Need for autonomy The capacity for endurance Need for achievement Wednesday, 25 January 12
  14. Trait Theory 1980’s – 1990’s McLelland, Brockhaus, Davidson Internal locus

    of control High for propensity risk-taking Tolerance of ambiguity Need for autonomy The capacity for endurance Need for achievement Competitive mind… Wednesday, 25 January 12
  15.  Behavioural Approach 1990’s onwards  Timmons (1994) perception of

    entrepreneurial mind; He describes entrepreneurial mind, which means the attitudes and behaviours of successful entrepreneurs Wednesday, 25 January 12
  16. Timmons (1989) It is the knack for sensing an opportunity

    where others see chaos, contradiction and confusion. (p1) Wednesday, 25 January 12
  17. Timmons (1989) It is the knack for sensing an opportunity

    where others see chaos, contradiction and confusion. (p1) Bygrave (1989) defines an entrepreneurial process as one which involves: all the functions, activities, and actions associated with the perceiving of opportunities and the creation of organisations to pursue them. (p28) Wednesday, 25 January 12
  18. Timmons (1989) It is the knack for sensing an opportunity

    where others see chaos, contradiction and confusion. (p1) Bygrave (1989) defines an entrepreneurial process as one which involves: all the functions, activities, and actions associated with the perceiving of opportunities and the creation of organisations to pursue them. (p28) Signh (2000) Entrepreneurs find and exploit opportunities by taking advantage of economic disequilibria by knowing or recognising things that others do not. (p5) Wednesday, 25 January 12
  19. Timmons (1989) It is the knack for sensing an opportunity

    where others see chaos, contradiction and confusion. (p1) Bygrave (1989) defines an entrepreneurial process as one which involves: all the functions, activities, and actions associated with the perceiving of opportunities and the creation of organisations to pursue them. (p28) Signh (2000) Entrepreneurs find and exploit opportunities by taking advantage of economic disequilibria by knowing or recognising things that others do not. (p5) Shane and Venkataraman (2000) …the nexus of two phenomena: the presence of lucrative opportunities and the presence of enterprising individuals. (p218) Wednesday, 25 January 12
  20. Questions: Would you change your original definition? Do you now

    know where some of the elements in your definition come from? Wednesday, 25 January 12
  21. Shane and Venkataraman “entrepreneurship is the presence of lucrative opportunities

    and the presence of enterprising individuals” Entrepreneurship and Enterprise…what’s the link? Wednesday, 25 January 12
  22. Shane and Venkataraman “entrepreneurship is the presence of lucrative opportunities

    and the presence of enterprising individuals” Enterprising People share certain skills, attitudes and behaviours. Entrepreneurship and Enterprise…what’s the link? Wednesday, 25 January 12
  23. Shane and Venkataraman “entrepreneurship is the presence of lucrative opportunities

    and the presence of enterprising individuals” Enterprising People share certain skills, attitudes and behaviours. Entrepreneurship and Enterprise…what’s the link? These include many of the themes already presented! Wednesday, 25 January 12
  24. Shane and Venkataraman “entrepreneurship is the presence of lucrative opportunities

    and the presence of enterprising individuals” Enterprising People share certain skills, attitudes and behaviours. Entrepreneurship is a role of economic agency engaged in by some enterprising people. Entrepreneurship and Enterprise…what’s the link? These include many of the themes already presented! Wednesday, 25 January 12
  25. Specialists Websites Business Link: http://www.businesslink.gov.uk Shell LiveWire: http://www.shell-livewire.org FlyingStart: http://www.flyingstartonline.com

    TED: http://www.ted.com Games and Simulations SimVenture: http://www.simventure.co.uk The Small Business Game: http://www.sport4life.biz Xing: http://www.workingknowledge.org.uk/working-with-universities/xing Online Tests General Enterprising Tendency v2 Test: http://www.get2test.net/test/index.htm MBTI Test: http://www.humanmetrics.com/cgi-win/JTypes2.asp Resilience Test: https://www.testyourrq.com Enterprise Catalyst: https://www.enterprisecatalyst.co.uk E-Learning Make it Happen: http://www.iwanttomakeithappen.tv EnterprisingYou: http://www.enterprisingyou.co.uk Wednesday, 25 January 12