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VSTS Continuous Integration and Deployment

VSTS Continuous Integration and Deployment

Miguel Cruz

October 21, 2017

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  1. INDEX 1. TFS XAML builds 2. VSTS task based builds/releases

    3. Continuous Integration 4. Continuous Delivery 5. CI + CD flow overview 6. Branching strategies 7. Custom tasks 8. Running builds during pull request 9. Task groups 10.Variables 11.Credential Management 12.Examples 1. .Net Framework 2. NetCore 3. Javascript 4. Publishing to Azure 13.Practice
  2. VSTS TASK BASED BUILDS/RELEASES Key Features: • Configured through web

    • Developer friendly • Marketplace • Custom Tasks
  3. CREDENTIAL MANAGEMENT Purpose: • Inject credentials into config files during

    release • Store credentials and per-environment information in variables
  4. PRACTICE Requirements: 1. Branch policies with mandatory build check during

    PR 2. CI: build runs after PR is completed 3. CD: build completion triggers release, which deploys into Azure 4. Credentials management: settings are replaced during deploy 5. No down-time deploying through slot