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CCIO Annual Nursing Conference - Janet Davies

eHealth Insider
July 03, 2013

CCIO Annual Nursing Conference - Janet Davies

CCIO Annual Nursing Conference 13th June 2013
Janet Davies, Director of Nursing & Service Delivery

eHealth Insider

July 03, 2013


  1.  The Future Forum heard concerns from patients about the

    use of their information  External pressures to share more information including personal confidential information  It’s not about technology Caldicott Review – Why?
  2.  Mandate: – how information may be safely shared and

    better utilised to support the care of individuals & the wider population – that information governance needs to enable this sharing whilst also protecting individuals’ confidentiality and respecting their wishes  Panel: – 15 members participating as independent individuals – able to represent the views/issues from their sector
  3. Citizens Said  Powerful stories reinforcing what the Future Forum

    heard  Strong support for – more sharing of information to support their care – anonymous data to be used “for the public good” – research but plea to be asked before information is used  Antipathy to their identifiable information being used for other purposes  No surprises and the complex area when carers are involved
  4. Organisations Said  Anxious about sharing  Concerns about organisations’

    reputation  Causes: – The Caldicott principles especially number 4 – Large fines from ICO for data breaches – Greater awareness of data protection – More care pathways cross organisational boundaries  Increased caution among health & care professionals
  5. Nurses Said  Prevented from communicating with patients using technology

    of choice  Concerns about sharing information between health and social care causing problems where teams interface  Sharing with independent/third sector problematic  Families are treated differently in health and social care  Rules and Guidance are all different – and creating confusion  Training not fit for purpose for all  Rules go beyond Caldicott principles
  6. Challenge  To make recommendations that change the culture while

    staying within the law and maintaining focus on good IG practice
  7. The Final Report - Purpose  Enhance trust  Better

    balance the risks of failure to maintain confidentiality, and failure to share  Simplify information governance, and for it to be seen as more closely aligned to clinical governance, not as a technical issue
  8.  The duty to share information can be as important

    as the duty to protect patient confidentiality