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Protect Users' Privacy in iOS 14

Elvis Lin
September 11, 2020

Protect Users' Privacy in iOS 14

Elvis Lin

September 11, 2020


  1. On Device Processing •Better to support •On Device Core ML

    •On Device Create ML •On Device Dictation
  2. PHPicker •From iOS 14 •Let people select photos and videos

    to use in your app without requiring full Photo Library access
  3. Principles of Data Minimization •Only ask for what you need

    •Limited access doesn’t mean limited functionality •Build trust through accessing as little data as possible
  4. Transparency and Control • In the App Store •In the

    App Store •On the Web •In Apps
  5. The Change Will Be Delayed to 2021 •Apple delays privacy

    feature that would let iPhone owners keep ad tracking at bay
 https://www.theverge.com/2020/9/3/21420176/apple-ios-14- tracking-permission-rule-developers-delay •
  6. Next Steps Subtitle •Add suitable description of granting permission before

    publishing apps into App Store •Start to use PHPicker in iOS 14 •If we have used some third party tracking SDKs, start to use AppTrackingTransparency framework •If it’s possible, only use approximate location
  7. Reference •Build trust through better privacy
 https://developer.apple.com/videos/play/wwdc2020/10676/ •Handle the Limited

    Photos Library in your app
 https://developer.apple.com/videos/play/wwdc2020/10641 •Meet the new Photos picker
 https://developer.apple.com/videos/play/wwdc2020/10652 •Design for location privacy