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FGSCdb Tracking the global spread of species an...

FGSCdb Tracking the global spread of species and chemotypes

FGSCdb is a database of information on characterized fungal strains of Fusarium graminearum species complex that encompasses a complex of species that cause head blight or scab of small grain crops, but also ear and stalk rot of maize and panicle blight in rice. Geographic location combined with the information on the year of sampling allows to track the temporal and spatial spread of the pathogen.

The data have been gathered directly from researchers or extracted from the published articles whenever the geographic information can be obtained. We would like to extend the utility of this project by allowing other researches to contribute data to populate the global map. Get in touch (delponte@ufv.br) to receive instructions on how to submit your data.

Emerson M. Del Ponte

March 08, 2021

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  1. FGSCdb Tracking the global spread of species and chemotypes EM

    Del Ponte, GM Moreira, CP Nicolli, TJ Ward, C Waalwijk, T van der Lee, Kerry O'Donnell, SN Chulze, SA Steinglein, D Pan, S Vero, Hao Zhang, DJ Tessmann, LJ Vaillancourt, A. Moretti, A. Logrieco Coordination Collaborators
  2. How to make it? … not alone. Need a great

    postdoc! Strain info Article info article_ID, pub_order, citation, DOI, title, author 1 to 14, journal_name, vol, num, pages, year, category_jcr, IF, n_citations, country_1 to 6, n_isolates, Fasi, Fboo, Fcor, Fgra, Fmer, Fnep, Fvor, Fasi_DON, Fasi_3ADON, Fasi_15ADON, Fasi_NIV, Fboo_DON, Fboo_15ADON, Fcor_15ADON, Fcor_NIV, Fgra_DON, Fgra_3ADON, Fgra_15ADON, Fgra_FUSX, Fgra_NIV, Fmer_DON, Fmer_15ADON, Fmer_NIV, Fnep_DON, Fvor_DON, Fvor_NIV, Fvor_4ANIV, country_1a to 3a, host_1 to 4. ID, Host,Organ, Cultivar, Location name, Country, Year, Latitude, Longitude, FGSC Species, ID method, Strain code, Collection code, Tri_genotype, Genotyping method, Chemotype, Chemotyping method,chemotyping substrate, Pub1, Pub2,Pub3,Comments Raw data from collaborators Screening and extracting data from articles' tables and supplementals -> FGSC species ID Dr. Glaucia Moreira
  3. Summary of article data: strain info and articles per year

    peer-reviewed articles 2000 to 2020 52 articles raw data on strain info 33 strain info extracted from articles 20 no strain info 105
  4. Number of articles per author 555 unique authors Authorship analysis:

    WordCloud Authors per article median = 7 (3 to 9)
  5. Authorship collaboration networks Individual article no shared authorship Big nodes:

    several connections Center of large community Small isolated community
  6. Strain summary info - as of Feb. 2020 105 articles

    8,843 11,062 3,760 23,665 14,822 not geotagged raw data from authors With known location available in the paper Reported location Included in the strain DB and map
  7. Ongoing and future > Submit the manuscript > Encourage authors

    to deposit raw data > Include links to FusariumID, Fusarium MLST, etc