heat must be overcome “Heat accounts for around 45% of our energy consumption and a third of all carbon emissions. Progress to date has been slower here than in other parts of our economy.” The Rt Hon Amber Rudd MP, November 2015 Take up of low-carbon heating solutions needs to increase by a factor of 50 within 10 years Accelerating take up will require solutions to multiple and complex barriers Less than 20,000 homes per year are currently switching to low carbon heating. To meet carbon targets cost-effectively, 20,000 per week need to be switching by 2025. ©2016 Energy Systems Catapult. All rights reserved. “Meeting the 2050 target will be much more expensive, and may be impossible, without a near complete decarbonisation of heat” The Committee on Climate Change, Fifth Carbon Budget, November 2015 All barriers need to be addressed Consumers Interventions Markets Uptake Market failures Market size and maturity Policy risk Product features & performance Cost characteristics Installation process Attitudes Consumer and property characteristics Decision making Funding preferences