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Future Power System Architecture Project

Future Power System Architecture Project


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  1. Eric Brown Interim Head of Strategy and Innovation Energy Systems

    Catapult Dr Simon Harrison Group Strategic Development Manager Mott MacDonald Future Power System Architecture Project
  2. Context  The power sector is in the early stages

    of transformative change as it seeks to respond to the challenges of energy sustainability, security and affordability for all.  There is a substantial body of work to understand the challenges and how best to respond:  IET Power Network Joint Vision  Smart Grid Forum Work Stream 7: DS2030  RAEng: Living without electricity - One city’s experience of coping with loss of power  National Infrastructure Commission: Smart Power  Energy UK: Pathways to the GB Electricity Sector to 2030  Amongst many other initiatives
  3.  What are the functions that will be required to

    make the future, low carbon, power system work in the face of transformative change?  Consider a 2030 horizon  Identify the functions: new or significantly enhanced  Provide supporting evidence  Identify sequencing and interdependencies  Focus on technical challenges, not institutional arrangements  Do not develop solutions Project Mandate Local/Community Energy Electrification of Heat and Transport Intermittent Renewables Cross Vector Interactions Consumer Tech Web Innovation Demand Participation Changing Consumer Expectations
  4. Delivery Commissioned by DECC Undertaken by a Catapult – IET

    collaboration Supported by specialist experts Engaged with stakeholders Used a rigorous System Engineering approach Managed following best practice
  5. Outcomes  A compelling technical case  Thirty-five new or

    significantly modified functions  Reinforced sense of urgency  Significant change is being driven from consumers and communities  A whole system approach enables innovative options
  6. Key Drivers of New Functionality  Flexibility to meet changing

    but uncertain requirements  Change in mix of electricity generation  Use of price signals or other incentives  Emergence of new participants  Active management of networks, generation, storage and demand  Recovery from major outages  Need for coordination across energy vectors
  7. Functions Challenge the Established Architecture  Reach beyond the meter

    and into the home  Bring greatly increased complexity  Cross current commercial, organisational and governance boundaries  Introduce new data, IT, and communications requirements  Present new requirements for the forecasting and simulation  Will ultimately span all vectors
  8.  REALTIME TIMEFRAME: Provide a mechanism for peer to peer

    trading with appropriate charging for use of the power system  REALTIME TIMEFRAME: Provide automated and secure management of demand, generation and other offered energy resources and auxiliary services  INVESTMENT TIMEFRAME: Plan for the timely restoration of supplies following a pro- longed local failure (Cold Start) Examples of Functions Domestic Storage Dual Fuel Heat Heat Pumps PHEV EV SS Domestic Generation Interconnectors TXI Offshore Generation Networks TXO EV LVA EV MVA GBSO SO TX Control TC DNO Control Room DO TX Private Networks TX Storage Transmissio n Networks TX TX Generation TXS TXN TXG TX I & C TXC HV Private Networks HV Storage 132/33kV Distribution Networks HV HV Generation HVS HVN HVG HV I & C HVC MV Private Networks MV Storage 11/6.6kV Distribution Networks MV MV Generation MVS MVN MVG MV I & C MVC LV Private Networks LV Storage LV Distribution Networks LV LVS LVN LV I & C LVC Aggregator AG DI DIS DIG Energy Retail Energy Market ER EM Community Energy Manager LV Generation CEM LVG Street Services Domestic Installation Natural Gas Hydroge n Heat Networks Oil
  9. Conclusions  New or extended functionality is required to meet

    2030 objectives  Implementation will be challenging from a technical, market and commercial perspective  Delivery is feasible, but will require focus and urgency  Much new functionality is concerned with interactions that span the whole system
  10. Recommendations  Align power system architecture development with major policy

    commitments  Ensure that there is an implementation framework  Deepen the functional analysis  Develop a transition roadmap  Formulate an innovation programme  Maintain the momentum