notify iOS7 devices of their presence - IBEACON is an Apple INC. trademark introduced in iOS7
- IBEACON is an Apple protocol on top of CoreBluetooth - IBEACON sensors are not Apple INC. products - IBEACON emits continuously a signal that can be received by a specific app (even if the app isn’t running) IBEACON
is an Apple INC. trademark introduced in iOS7 - IBEACON is an Apple protocol on top of CoreBluetooth - IBEACON sensors are not Apple INC. products - IBEACON emits continuously a signal that can be received by a specific app (even if the app isn’t running)
iOS7 - IBEACON is an Apple protocol on top of CoreBluetooth - IBEACON sensors are not Apple INC. products - IBEACON emits continuously a signal that can be received by a specific app (even if it’s in background) - IBEACON emits this signal up to ~70 meters immediate near far
iOS7 - IBEACON is an Apple protocol on top of CoreBluetooth - IBEACON emits continuously a signal that can be received by a specific app (even if it’s in background) - IBEACON emits this signal up to ~70 meters - IBEACON is able to create a new channel to the customer CHANNEL TO THE CUSTOMER!
1 MINOR 1 UUID B8314C3B-3827-4EEA-AB7A-A0C75637A9CF MAJOR 1 MINOR 1 UUID 6AE28EA1-5586-4E1D-A740-A8594BE8DA40 MAJOR 1 MINOR 1 REGION#1 REGION#2 REGION#2 UUID B9AE3AF4-B5E2-4619-A995-684261110D73 MAJOR 1 MINOR 2