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April 24, 2019

More Decks by Florent CHAMPIGNY

Other Decks in Programming


  1. @florent_champ please teach me how to draw a custom view

    ? @florent_champ I saw a video on youtube, a man became rich by building it own app, and displaying ads $$$$$
  2. @florent_champ I need to draw custom views, but I don’t

    know where to start @florent_champ Please !!!!!!! Please !!!!!!! Please !!!!!!!
  3. K3v1n : FORTNIGHT <3 <3 Love to code on Windows

    Learn Android, want to become billionaire with an Android app displaying ads $ $ $ HTML is its favorite programming language
  4. class MyCustomView(context: Context) : View(context) { override fun onSizeChanged(width: Int,

    height: Int, oldWidth: Int, oldHeight: Int) { //when the view has a size } override fun onDraw(canvas: Canvas) { //where we draw } } Custom View
  5. class MyCustomViewGroup(context: Context) : FrameLayout(context) { init { setWillNotDraw(false) }

    override fun onDraw(canvas: Canvas) { //where we draw } } Custom ViewGroup
  6. Paint The Paint class holds the style and color information

    about how to draw geometries, text and bitmaps. https://developer.android.com/reference/android/graphics/Paint
  7. Canvas The Canvas class holds the "draw" calls. To draw

    something, you need 4 basic components: A Bitmap to hold the pixels, a Canvas to host the draw calls (writing into the bitmap), a drawing primitive (e.g. Rect, Path, text, Bitmap), and a paint (to describe the colors and styles for the drawing). https://developer.android.com/reference/android/graphics/Canvas
  8. val paint = Paint().apply{ color = Color.WHITE } fun onDraw(canvas:

    Canvas) { canvas.drawRect(0, 0, 30, 10, paint) } Draw a Rect 30 10
  9. val paint = Paint().apply{ color = Color.WHITE } fun onDraw(canvas:

    Canvas) { canvas.drawRect(0, 0, 30, 10, paint) } Draw a Rect 30 10 Values in pixels !
  10. Draw a Rect 30 10 val myRect = Rect() fun

    onSizeChanged(width:Int, height: Int, oldWidth: Int, oldHeight: Int) { myRect.right = width myRect.bottom = height } fun onDraw(canvas: Canvas) { canvas.drawRect(myRect, paint) }
  11. Draw a Circle canvas.drawCircle(cx: float, cy: float, radius: float, paint:

    Paint) fun onDraw(canvas: Canvas) { canvas.drawCircle(100, 100, 15, paint) } 30 15
  12. Draw a Line canvas.drawLine(startX: float, startY: float, endX: float, endY:

    float, paint: Paint) fun onDraw(canvas: Canvas) { canvas.drawLine(0, 30, 100, 50, paint) } 0,30 100,50
  13. Draw a Line init { paint.setStrokeWidth(10) paint.setStrokeCap(ROUND) } fun onDraw(canvas:

    Canvas) { canvas.drawLine(0, 30, 100, 50, paint) } 0,30 100,50
  14. Draw a Custom Shape val path = Path() fun onSizeChanged(width:Int,

    height: Int, oldWidth: Int, oldHeight: Int) { path.reset() path.move(0,0) path.lineTo(width, height) path.lineTo(0, height) path.close() } fun onDraw(canvas: Canvas) { canvas.drawPath(path, paint) } Width height
  15. Canvas Transformations TRANSLATION canvas.translate(x, y) SCALE ROTATION canvas.scale(x, y) canvas.scale(x,

    y, pivotX, pivotY) canvas.rotate(degrees) canvas.rotate(degrees, pivotX, pivotY)
  16. Translations val myRect = Rect(5, 5, 100, 90) fun onDraw(canvas:

    Canvas) { canvas.drawRect(myRect, paint) } 0 100 100
  17. Translations val myRect = Rect(5, 5, 100, 90) fun onDraw(canvas:

    Canvas) { canvas.translate(100, 0) canvas.drawRect(myRect, paint) } 0 100 100 0
  18. Translations val myRect = Rect(5, 5, 100, 90) fun onDraw(canvas:

    Canvas) { canvas.translate(100, 0) canvas.drawRect(myRect, paint) canvas.drawCircle(50, 50, 15, paint) } 0 100 100
  19. Translations val myRect = Rect(5, 5, 100, 90) fun onDraw(canvas:

    Canvas) { canvas.save() canvas.translate(100, 0) canvas.drawRect(myRect, paint) canvas.restore() canvas.drawCircle(50, 50, 15, paint) } 0 100 100 0
  20. Translations val myRect = Rect(5, 5, 100, 90) fun onDraw(canvas:

    Canvas) { canvas.save() canvas.translate(100, 0) canvas.drawRect(myRect, paint) canvas.restore() canvas.drawCircle(50, 50, 15, paint) } 0 100 100 new 0
  21. Translations val myRect = Rect(5, 5, 100, 90) fun onDraw(canvas:

    Canvas) { canvas.save() canvas.translate(100, 0) canvas.drawRect(myRect, paint) canvas.restore() canvas.drawCircle(50, 50, 15, paint) } 0 100 100 0
  22. Translations val myRect = Rect(5, 5, 100, 90) fun onDraw(canvas:

    Canvas) { canvas.save() canvas.translate(100, 0) canvas.drawRect(myRect, paint) canvas.restore() canvas.drawCircle(50, 50, 15, paint) } 0 100 100 0
  23. Translations val myRect = Rect(5, 5, 100, 90) fun onDraw(canvas:

    Canvas) { canvas.save() canvas.translate(100, 0) canvas.drawRect(myRect, paint) canvas.restore() canvas.drawCircle(50, 50, 15, paint) } 0 100 100
  24. Translations val myRect = Rect(5, 5, 100, 90) fun onDraw(canvas:

    Canvas) { canvas.save() canvas.translate(10, 0) canvas.save() canvas.translate(90, 0) canvas.drawRect(myRect, paint) canvas.restore() canvas.drawCircle(50, 50, 15, paint) } 0 100 100
  25. Translations val myRect = Rect(5, 5, 100, 90) fun onDraw(canvas:

    Canvas) { val count = canvas.save() canvas.translate(10, 0) canvas.save() canvas.translate(90, 0) canvas.drawRect(myRect, paint) canvas.restoreToCount(count) canvas.drawCircle(50, 50, 15, paint) } 0 100 100
  26. Translations + rotations val myRect = Rect(0, 0, 10, 10)

    fun onDraw(canvas: Canvas) { val count = canvas.save() for(angle in 0..360 step 30) { canvas.rotate(angle) canvas.translate(100, 0) canvas.drawRect(myRect, paint) canvas.restoreToCount(count) } } Center
  27. Translations + rotations val myRect = Rect(0, 0, 10, 10)

    fun onDraw(canvas: Canvas) { val count = canvas.save() for(angle in 0..360 step 30) { canvas.rotate(angle) canvas.translate(100, 0) canvas.drawRect(myRect, paint) canvas.restoreToCount(count) } } Center
  28. Translations + rotations val myRect = Rect(0, 0, 10, 10)

    fun onDraw(canvas: Canvas) { val count = canvas.save() for(angle in 0..360 step 30) { canvas.rotate(angle) canvas.translate(100, 0) canvas.drawRect(myRect, paint) canvas.restoreToCount(count) } } Center
  29. Translations + rotations val myRect = Rect(0, 0, 10, 10)

    fun onDraw(canvas: Canvas) { val count = canvas.save() for(angle in 0..360 step 30) { canvas.rotate(angle) canvas.translate(100, 0) canvas.drawRect(myRect, paint) canvas.restoreToCount(count) } } Center
  30. Translations + rotations val myRect = Rect(0, 0, 10, 10)

    fun onDraw(canvas: Canvas) { val count = canvas.save() for(angle in 0..360 step 30) { canvas.rotate(angle) canvas.translate(100, 0) canvas.drawRect(myRect, paint) canvas.restoreToCount(count) } } Center
  31. Translations + rotations val myRect = Rect(0, 0, 10, 10)

    fun onDraw(canvas: Canvas) { val count = canvas.save() for(angle in 0..360 step 30) { canvas.rotate(angle) canvas.translate(100, 0) canvas.drawRect(myRect, paint) canvas.restoreToCount(count) } } Center
  32. Translations + rotations val myRect = Rect(0, 0, 10, 10)

    fun onDraw(canvas: Canvas) { val count = canvas.save() for(angle in 0..360 step 30) { canvas.rotate(angle) canvas.translate(100, 0) canvas.drawRect(myRect, paint) canvas.restoreToCount(count) } } Center
  33. Translations + rotations val myRect = Rect(0, 0, 10, 10)

    fun onDraw(canvas: Canvas) { val count = canvas.save() for(angle in 0..360 step 30) { canvas.rotate(angle) canvas.translate(100, 0) canvas.drawRect(myRect, paint) canvas.restoreToCount(count) } } Center
  34. val paint = Paint().apply{ color = Color.parseColor("#3E3E3E") typeface = Typeface.DEFAULT_BOLD

    textSize = 24f //px } fun onDraw(canvas: Canvas) { canvas.drawText("android", 10, 10, paint) } Draw Text android
  35. val paint = Paint().apply{ color = Color.parseColor("#3E3E3E") typeface = Typeface.DEFAULT_BOLD

    textSize = 24f //px } fun onDraw(canvas: Canvas) { canvas.drawText("android KitKat Lollipop Marshmallow Nougat Oreo", 10, 10, paint) } Draw Text android KitKat Lollipop Marshmal
  36. StaticLayout StaticLayout is a Layout for text that will not

    be edited after it is laid out. Use DynamicLayout for text that may change. This is used by widgets to control text layout. You should not need to use this class directly unless you are implementing your own widget or custom display object, or would be tempted to call Canvas.drawText() directly. https://developer.android.com/reference/android/text/StaticLayout
  37. StaticLayout StaticLayout(source: CharSequence, paint: TextPaint, width: Int, align: Layout.Alignment, spacingmult:

    Float, spacingadd: Float, includepad: Boolean) https://developer.android.com/reference/android/text/StaticLayout
  38. val paint = Paint().apply{ color = Color.parseColor("#3E3E3E") typeface = Typeface.DEFAULT_BOLD

    textSize = 24f //px } fun onDraw(canvas: Canvas) { canvas.drawText("android KitKat Lollipop Marshmallow Nougat Oreo", 10, 10, paint) } Draw Text android KitKat Lollipop Marshmal
  39. val paint = TextPaint().apply{ color = Color.parseColor("#3E3E3E") typeface = Typeface.DEFAULT_BOLD

    textSize = 24f //px } var text = "android KitKat Lollipop Marshmallow Nougat Oreo" var staticLayout: StaticLayout? = null Draw Text android KitKat Lollipop Marshmal
  40. override fun onDraw(canvas: Canvas) { super.onDraw(canvas) val textWidth = Math.min(width,

    textPaint.measureText(text).toInt()) //warning : allocation ondraw, don’t do this staticLayout = StaticLayout(text, textPaint, textWidth, Layout.Alignment.ALIGN_NORMAL, 1.0f, 0f, false) staticLayout!!.draw(canvas) } Draw Text android KitKat Lollipop Marshmallow Nougat Oreo Text Width
  41. “For 90% of cases, you will need a custom shape,

    so let’s see what we can do with Path?“ “
  42. Path The Path class encapsulates compound (multiple contour) geometric paths

    consisting of straight line segments, quadratic curves, and cubic curves. It can be drawn with canvas.drawPath(path, paint), either filled or stroked (based on the paint's Style), or it can be used for clipping or to draw text on a path. https://developer.android.com/reference/android/graphics/Path
  43. Draw a Custom Shape var path = Path() fun onSizeChanged(width:Int,

    height: Int, oldWidth: Int, oldHeight: Int) { path.reset() path.move(0,0) path.lineTo(width, height) path.lineTo(0, height) path.close() } fun onDraw(canvas: Canvas) { canvas.drawPath(path, paint) } Width height
  44. Draw a Custom Shape var path = Path() fun onSizeChanged(width:Int,

    height: Int, oldWidth: Int, oldHeight: Int) { path.reset() path.move(0,0) path.lineTo(width, height) path.lineTo(0, height) path.close() } fun onDraw(canvas: Canvas) { canvas.drawPath(path, paint) } Width height
  45. Draw a Custom Shape var path = Path() fun onSizeChanged(width:Int,

    height: Int, oldWidth: Int, oldHeight: Int) { path.reset() path.move(0,0) path.lineTo(width, height) path.lineTo(0, height) path.close() } fun onDraw(canvas: Canvas) { canvas.drawPath(path, paint) } Width height
  46. Draw a Custom Shape var path = Path() fun onSizeChanged(width:Int,

    height: Int, oldWidth: Int, oldHeight: Int) { path.reset() path.move(0,0) path.lineTo(width, height) path.lineTo(0, height) path.close() } fun onDraw(canvas: Canvas) { canvas.drawPath(path, paint) } Width height
  47. Draw a Custom Shape var path = Path() fun onSizeChanged(width:Int,

    height: Int, oldWidth: Int, oldHeight: Int) { path.reset() path.move(0,0) path.lineTo(width, height) path.lineTo(0, height) path.close() } fun onDraw(canvas: Canvas) { canvas.drawPath(path, paint) } Width height
  48. Draw a Custom Shape var path = Path() fun onSizeChanged(width:Int,

    height: Int, oldWidth: Int, oldHeight: Int) { path.reset() path.move(0,0) path.lineTo(width, height) path.lineTo(0, height) path.close() } fun onDraw(canvas: Canvas) { canvas.drawPath(path, paint) } Width height
  49. Draw a Custom Shape path.reset() path.moveTo(0, 0) path.lineTo(90, 0) path.lineTo(100,

    10) path.lineTo(100, 100) path.lineTo(0, 100) path.close() 0 100 100
  50. Draw a Custom Shape path.reset() path.moveTo(0, 0) path.lineTo(90, 0) path.lineTo(100,

    10) path.lineTo(100, 100) path.lineTo(0, 100) path.close() 0 100 100
  51. Draw a Custom Shape path.reset() path.moveTo(0, 0) path.lineTo(90, 0) path.lineTo(100,

    10) path.lineTo(100, 100) path.lineTo(0, 100) path.close() 0 100 100
  52. Draw a Custom Shape path.reset() path.moveTo(0, 0) path.lineTo(90, 0) path.lineTo(100,

    10) path.lineTo(100, 100) path.lineTo(0, 100) path.close() 0 100 100
  53. Draw a Custom Shape path.reset() path.moveTo(0, 0) path.lineTo(90, 0) path.lineTo(100,

    10) path.lineTo(100, 100) path.lineTo(0, 100) path.close() 0 100 100
  54. Draw a Custom Shape path.reset() path.moveTo(0, 0) path.lineTo(90, 0) path.lineTo(100,

    10) path.lineTo(100, 100) path.lineTo(0, 100) path.close() 0 100 100
  55. Draw a Custom Shape path.reset() path.moveTo(0, 0) path.lineTo(90, 0) path.lineTo(100,

    10) path.lineTo(100, 100) path.lineTo(0, 100) path.close() 0 100 100
  56. Draw a Custom Shape path.reset() path.moveTo(0, 0) path.lineTo(90, 0) path.lineTo(100,

    10) path.lineTo(100, 100) path.lineTo(0, 100) path.close() 0 100 100
  57. Draw a Custom Shape 0° -90° 90° StartAngle = -90

    SweepAngle = 90 80 80 100 30 10 10
  58. Draw a Custom Shape 0° -90° 80 80 100 30

    10 10 StartAngle = -90 SweepAngle = 90 Center = (80, 30) Radius = 20 Rect = left: 80-20 top: 30-20 right: 80+20 bottom: 30+20
  59. Draw a Custom Shape 0° -90° 80 80 100 30

    10 10 Center = (80, 30) Radius = 20 Rect = left: 80-20 top: 30-20 right: 80+20 bottom: 30+20 path.reset() path.moveTo(10, 10) path.lineTo(80, 10) //radius = 20 path.arcTo(Rect(80, 0, 100, 20), -90, 90) path.lineTo(100, 80) path.lineTo(10, 80) path.close() StartAngle = -90 SweepAngle = 90 StartAngle SweepAngle
  60. Draw a Custom Shape path.reset() path.moveTo(10, 10) path.lineTo(80, 10) path.arcTo(Rect(80,

    0, 100, 20), -90, 90) path.lineTo(100, 80) path.lineTo(10, 80) path.close()
  61. Draw a Custom Shape if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.LOLLIPOP) { outlineProvider

    = object: ViewOutlineProvider() { override fun getOutline(view: View?, outline: Outline?) { outline?.setConvexPath(path) } } }
  62. var rect = RectF(120f, 120f, 400f, 400f) override fun onDraw(canvas:

    Canvas) { super.onDraw(canvas) canvas.drawRect(rect, paint) } Animations
  63. var rect = RectF(120f, 120f, 400f, 400f) override fun onDraw(canvas:

    Canvas) { super.onDraw(canvas) canvas.drawRect(rect, paint) } fun animateMe(){ ValueAnimator.ofFloat(rect.right, 700f).apply{ addUpdateListener{ rect.right = it.animatedValue as Float invalidate() } start() } } Animations
  64. var rect = RectF(120f, 120f, 400f, 400f) override fun onDraw(canvas:

    Canvas) { super.onDraw(canvas) canvas.drawRect(rect, paint) } fun animateMe(){ ValueAnimator.ofFloat(rect.right, 700f).apply{ addUpdateListener{ rect.right = it.animatedValue as Float invalidate() } start() } } Animations
  65. Animations Arc1 Arc2 Arc3 Background Arc 5° 25° 6° 8°

    110° 300° 0° 360° Start Angle Final Angle Current Angle
  66. class Arc(val startAngle: Float, val finalAngle: Float, val color: Int)

    { val rect = RectF() val radius = 200f var currentAngle = 5f } Animations
  67. class Arc(val startAngle: Float, val finalAngle: Float, val color: Int)

    { val rect = RectF() val radius = 200f var currentAngle = 5f } Animations StartAngle FinalAngle Color Radius
  68. class Arc(…) { … fun setup(parentWidth: Int, parentHeight: Int){ val

    centerX = parentWidth/2f val centerY = parentHeight / 2f rect.set(centerX - radius, centerY - radius, centerX + radius, centerY + radius) } Animations Radius +
  69. class Arc(…) { … fun onDraw(paint: Paint, canvas: Canvas){ paint.color

    = color //update current drawing color canvas.drawArc(rect, -90f, angleToDraw, false, paint) } } Animations -90
  70. class ArcsView(context: Context, attributes: AttributeSet) : View(context, attributes) { val

    paint = Paint().apply { strokeWidth = 30f style = Paint.Style.STROKE strokeCap = Paint.Cap.ROUND isAntiAlias = true } Animations
  71. class ArcsView(context: Context, attributes: AttributeSet) : View(context, attributes) { val

    paint = Paint().apply { strokeWidth = 30f style = Paint.Style.STROKE strokeCap = Paint.Cap.ROUND isAntiAlias = true } Animations
  72. class ArcsView … { val arcs = listOf<Arc>( Arc(8f, 300f,

    Color.parseColor("#FA8A26")), Arc(6f, 110f, Color.parseColor("#F5464E")), Arc(5f, 25f, Color.parseColor("#6498F4")) ) Animations
  73. class ArcsView … { val arcs = listOf<Arc>( Arc(8f, 300f,

    Color.parseColor("#FA8A26")), Arc(6f, 110f, Color.parseColor("#F5464E")), Arc(5f, 25f, Color.parseColor("#6498F4")) ) val arcBackground = Arc(0f,360f, Color.parseColor("#EBEDEB")) .apply { currentAngle = 360f } Animations
  74. class ArcsView … { override fun onSizeChanged(w: Int, h: Int,

    oldw: Int, oldh: Int) { super.onSizeChanged(w, h, oldw, oldh) arcBackground.setup(w, h) arcs.forEach { it.setup(w, h) } } Animations
  75. class ArcsView … { override fun onDraw(canvas: Canvas) { super.onDraw(canvas)

    arcBackground.onDraw(paint, canvas) arcs.forEach { it.onDraw(paint, canvas) } } Animations
  76. class ArcsView … { fun animateMe() { arcs.forEach { arc

    -> ValueAnimator.ofFloat(arc.startAngle, arc.finalAngle) .apply { duration = 700 addUpdateListener { arc.currentAngle = it.animatedValue as Float invalidate() } }.start() } } } Animations
  77. Gesture Example : click on a rect - event.action is

    ActionDown - next event.action is ActionUp - difference touch X/Y is small - delay is > 200ms - the rect contains the point X/Y Override View.onTouch(motionEvent)
  78. Override View.onTouch(motionEvent) Example : click on a rect - use

    GestureDetector.SimpleOnGestureListener. - onSingleTapUp - the rect contains the point X/Y Gesture