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React JS intro

React JS intro

A lightweight introduction to React JS in the context of web applications

Gabriele Petronella

September 30, 2015

More Decks by Gabriele Petronella

Other Decks in Programming


  1. I just had to take the hypertext idea and connect

    it to the TCP and DNS ideas and — ta- da!— the World Wide Web — Tim Berners Lee
  2. THE WEB, IN THE 90S ╔═══════════╗ ---------- ║ ║ gimme

    dat page   ║ ║---------------------->  ║ browser ║  server  ║ ║ <html>...</html>   ║ ║<----------------------  ╚═══════════╝ ----------
  3. ╔═══════════╗  ║ ║ gimme dat page   ║

    ║---------------------->  ║ ║   ║ ║ <html>...</html>   ║ ║<----------------------  ║ browser ║ ...  server  ║ ║   ║ ║ do dat thing   ║ ║---------------------->  ║ ║   ║ ║ <html>...</html>   ║ ║<----------------------  ║ ║   ╚═══════════╝ 
  4. ADDING AN ELEMENT TO A CART <ul> <ul> <li>An apple</li>

    <li>An apple</li> <li>A horse</li> ---> <li>A horse</li> </ul> <li>A dragon</li> </ul>
  5. ADDING AN ELEMENT TO A CART var ul = document.getElementById("cart");

    var li = document.createElement("li"); li.appendChild(document.createTextNode("Four")); ul.appendChild(li);
  6. ╔═══════════╗  ║ ║ gimme dat page   ║

    ║---------------------->  ║ ║ <html>...</html>   ║ browser ║<----------------------  ║ ║ script.js   ║ ║<---------------------- server  ║ ║─────┐   ╚═══════════╝ !   ▲ !   <html>...</html>! !add item   ! !   "########$ !   ! ! !  ! script !----- ! ! %########&
  7. ╔═══════════╗  ║ ║ gimme dat page   ║

    ║---------------------->  ║ ║ <html>...</html>   ║ browser ║<----------------------  ║ ║ app.js   ║ ║<----------------------  ║ ╠─────┐   ╚═══════════╝ !   ▲ !  server  <html>...</html>! !do stuff   ! !   "##########$ !   ! !<-----   ! ! gimme data   ! app.js !---------------------->  ! !   ! ! { data: "blah", ... }   ! !<----------------------  %##########& 
  8. MVC

  9. PROPS ! A generalization over HTML attributes <button className='button inactive'>Click</button>

    gets translated to React.createElement( "button", { className: 'button inactive' }, // <--- props "Click" );
  10. OUR FIRST COMPONENT ACCEPTING PROPS const Greeter = React.createClass({ render()

    { return <div>Hello {this.props.name}!</div>; } ^ }); | just a javascript variable
  11. REACT COMPUTES renderA: <div><span>Hello Gabriele!</span></div> renderB: <div><span>Hello Irina!</span></div> => [replaceAttribute

    textContent 'Hello Irina'] ^ | | a state mutation, i.e. the horrible thing you want to avoid writing by hand
  12. const Counter = React.createClass({ getInitialState() { return { count: 0

    }; }, increaseCount() { this.setState({ count: this.state.count + 1 }); }, ^ |_______________ triggers a re-render render() { return ( <div> <span>{this.state.count}</span> <button onClick={this.increaseCount}>Increase</button> </div> ); } });