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Trying to Make Ruby's Parser Available as a Gem

September 07, 2024

Trying to Make Ruby's Parser Available as a Gem

Fukuoka RubyistKaigi 04

Gem: https://github.com/S-H-GAMELINKS/kanayago


September 07, 2024


  1. Trying to Make Ruby’s Parser Available as a Gem Shun

    Hiraoka Fukuoka RubyistKaigi 04 2024-09-07
  2. Want to use Ruby Parser The Ruby Parser is now

    available as a Universal Parser
  3. yui-knk/ruby-parser It may be the only gem using Universal Parser

    Only parsing specific code Not converting and returning the AST as Ruby objects
  4. Inconveniences Need to modify the code and rebuild to try

    various Ruby scripts Unable to work with the AST as Ruby objects It’s a bit cumbersome to try parsing Ruby code
  5. Current status Errors occur because some function symbols cannot be

    found undefined symbol: rb_xmalloc_mul_add
  6. If it doesn’t exist, make it I’ll better understand Ruby’s

    Parser by building it Above all, it sounds interesting
  7. Easy to test code Prism.parse Code can be passed as

    a string The parsed result can be accepted as an AST from Prism Prism.parse('1 + 1')
  8. Implementation Using an extracted Ruby Parser Building a custom adapter

    for the Universal Parser void parser_config_initialize(rb_parser_config_t *config) { config->calloc = calloc; config->malloc = malloc; config->alloc = malloc; config->alloc_n = alloc_n; config->sized_xfree = sized_xfree; // And other adapter function set }
  9. Is there an easier way? rb_parser_params_new function Returns the Universal

    Parser adapter used in Ruby rb_parser_t * rb_parser_params_new(void) { return rb_ruby_parser_new(&rb_global_parser_config); }
  10. How to convert the AST? It might be a good

    idea to return the AST as a Prism-like class I haven’t planned for it to be used in any future products Then, using Array and Hash should be fine for now
  11. Implementation plan Import and use only the Ruby’s Parser Reuse

    the adapter that Ruby provides Convert the AST into an Array and Hash
  12. Origin of the name Inspired by Kanayago, the god of

    ironworking The process of converting the AST into an Array or Hash reminded me of refining and processing iron ore
  13. About Kanayago Works on Ruby 3.4.0-dev Enabling the Universal Parser

    is also necessary Using Universal Parser, fully Ruby-compatible But only what’s convertible to Hash and Array
  14. Support AST nodes Literal Object e.g. Integer, Float, Symbol, String…

    Local variables Instance variables Class and Method definition if and unless expression
  15. Example Code Takes a String as an argument, similar to

    Prism Returns the AST as a Hash and Array result = Kanayago.parse('1 + 1') body = result[:NODE_SCOPE][:body] args = body[:NODE_OPCALL][:args] args[:NODE_LIST][0] # => { NODE_INTEGER: 1 }
  16. Implementation Takes source code as a string through the argument

    Passes the accepted code to the Universal Parser and converts it into an AST Convert the AST into a Hash and Array
  17. Kanayago.parse Kanayago.parse accepts the source code and passes it to

    kanayago_parse function module Kanayago def self.parse(source) kanayago_parse(source) end end
  18. kanayago_parse Pass the code to the Universal Parser and accept

    the AST static VALUE kanayago_parse(VALUE self, VALUE source) { struct ruby_parser *parser; rb_parser_t *parser_params; // Set Ruby Parser struct... VALUE vast = rb_parser_compile_string(vparser, "main", source, 0); rb_ast_t *ast = rb_ruby_ast_data_get(vast); return ast_to_hash(ast->body.root); }
  19. ast_to_hash Convert the AST into a Hash and Array static

    VALUE ast_to_hash(const NODE *node) { enum node_type type; // Check and Set node type... switch (type) { // And Other AST NODE case's... case NODE_INTEGER: case NODE_FLOAT: case NODE_RATIONAL: case NODE_IMAGINARY: case NODE_STR: case NODE_SYM: return node_literal_to_hash(node); default: return Qfalse; } }
  20. Processing flow Ruby Parser C Ruby Universal Parser ast_to_hash kanayago_parse

    Kanayago.parse Universal Parser ast_to_hash kanayago_parse Kanayago.parse Given Ruby Code with String Pass to Ruby Code Return AbstractSyntaxTree Given AbstractSyntaxTree Return Converted Hash Pass to Hash
  21. Wrapping a function Wrapping some functions was necessary to prevent

    errors caused by undefined symbols static void * xmalloc_mul_add(size_t x, size_t y, size_t z) { return rb_xmalloc_mul_add(x, y, z); }
  22. Exporting a struct It was required because of the use

    of the rb_parser_params_new function struct ruby_parser { rb_parser_t *parser_params; enum lex_type type; union { struct lex_pointer_string lex_str; struct { VALUE file; } lex_io; struct { VALUE ary; } lex_array; } data; };
  23. Issues Support for more AST nodes Avoid patching Ruby’s Parser

    Want to remove dependency on the Universal Parser adapter provided by Ruby
  24. Support for more AST Expand AST support Kanayago.parse(<<~CODE) {name: :kanayago,

    method: :parse} in {name: } CODE #=> {:NODE_SCOPE=>{:args=>nil, :body=>false}}
  25. Avoid patching I want to submit the function wrap as

    a patch to Ruby core Considering better approaches to struct export
  26. Conclusion With effort, Ruby’s Parser can be used as a

    Universal Parser And you can provide it as a gem
  27. Finally We can use Ruby’s Parser as a Universal Parser

    Let’s all make more use of Ruby’s Parser!