docs Develop the appropriate workflow Prove it’s worth the money Estimate the implementation time Present the idea - to the managers - to the customer - to your colleagues - to the managers AGAIN
volunteers only a month trial acap: as comfy as possible Jira integration massive research several workflow patterns getting super-ready for a final presentation to the customer one for every sub-project, to choose the best afterwards effectiveness estimates implementation examples best practices
TestRail 2. Prepared workflow for the new test processes 3. Some of the managers ready to help 4. Technically, the customer has never said ‘No’ He said: ‘We’re not ready… yet.’
all the test processes improvement. So we (the trial team) started from everything but the TestRail. We had several months till the major release would be done. So... we started using the developed workflow (analysis before testing, docs before cases) used the test docs for mentorship created test reports after small pushes and collected statistics
us again. He was ready to change something. As well as the PM’s, who were in doubt before. The TestRail was bought, but the most important part was that the QA improvements were approved (all that workflow and analysis stuff).
4. Everything at once 5. Fear 6. Doubts Gather a team Show results Be ready to persuade Think big, do small Find support & keep digging Find proofs & best practices
я знаю: красивые проекты не взлетают, потому что они не успевают взлететь. Пока инженеры в белых халатах прикручивают красивый двигатель к идеальному крылу, бригада взлохмаченных придурков во главе с безумным авантюристом пролетает над ними на конструкции из микроавтобуса, забора и двух промышленных фенов, навстречу второму туру инвестиций. Авантюрист любезно раздаёт восторженным пассажирам талоны и бумажные пакетики». из комментов Хабрахабра