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JavaScript para tus cosas by @escusado

JavaScript para tus cosas by @escusado

Slides de la segunda plática GDLJS del 26 de mayo.

Javascript se liberó de las ataduras del browser y se ha filtrado a la realidad. Cómo correr javascript tus cosas. Busca el proyecto que te llame la atención, el problema que quieres resolver y usa JavaScript para experimentar rápidamente y darle vida a tus ideas


May 26, 2015

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  1. IOT

  2. IOT

  3. “...You merely adopted the internet. I was born in it,

    molded by it. I didn't see the light until I was already a man, by then it was nothing to me but blinding!”
  4. js

  5. 1. Print 2. Each z_change create file 3. Check for

    file existance 4. Make request 5. Delete file 6. Get request 7. Ask for pic 8. Get pic 9. Add timestamp 10. Save
  6. Problem: An interactive demo for you... the most basic and

    simple interaction point for this purpose is twitter
  7. Fin