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Fighting In-App Purchase Hacks

Gur Dotan
July 30, 2015

Fighting In-App Purchase Hacks

Combating fraudulent game exploitation - what every indie developer should know about IAP and how to protect against hackers.

Gur Dotan

July 30, 2015


  1. • Open Source Company • 400 Million Installs via 4,000+

    games • Data Sharing Network Games Unite About Us
  2. Hackers search games for important files and variables containing the

    current game score, currency balance, and level progression. File Overwriting
  3. They change these values to their benefit. File Overwriting 010101110110010101

    010101110110111100 001110110001101010 111100010110101010 1010101011110
  4. Certain programs that make this possible are found online. More

    details on IAP hacks here Fake In-Game Purchases
  5. This way, a file that contains the balance of 225

    coins is difficult to find and edit. Preventing Hacking 1
  6. SOOMLA does this for you when you use SOOMLA Store

    in your game! Preventing Hacking 1
  7. When a client buys something from an app they are

    sent an electronic receipt. Preventing Hacking 2
  8. The receipt is usually validated with the App Store or

    Google Play to make sure the purchase is ok. Preventing Hacking 2
  9. Hacking software intercepts requests to the App Store or Google

    Play and emulates their behavior. Preventing Hacking 2
  10. So, it is best to use a private dedicated server

    to do the verifying. Preventing Hacking 2
  11. Compare the transactions from Google and Apple to the transactions

    that happened in a game. Preventing Hacking 2
  12. Find if any purchases appear in a game’s log but

    are not accounted for with a receipt. Preventing Hacking 2
  13. Economy Exhaustion Purchases of all virtual items in an economy

    in a short period of time. Fraud Indicators 2
  14. Over $50 worth of purchases by a given user in

    a single day Fraud Indicators 3
  15. Punish the Hackers Increase the difficulty of the game for

    the hackers Disable the hackers from sharing their scores
  16. Punish the Hackers “Brick the Game” Inform the hackers that

    they are blocked from the game because they were identified as hackers. Encourage them to play fair by resetting the game.
  17. Further Reading • iOS Receipt Validation (SOOMLA Blog • Android

    Receipt Validation (SOOMLA Blog) • Setting up Google Play Purchase Verification