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Early Politmus Sketches

December 14, 2012

Early Politmus Sketches

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December 14, 2012

Other Decks in Design


  1. How do you want your MP to vote on the

    following issue? Your local MP is Simon Kirby (Kemptown). Should VAT be increased to 20%? Give us your answer then we’ll show you theirs: YES NO I don’t know about this. I’m indifferent about this.
  2. Should VAT be increased to 20%? 46% 54% Yes No

    Your local constituency voted: You voted YES Your MP voted NO
  3. Did the vote pass the way you wanted? Should parents

    be allowed to use reasonable force to discipline their children? You voted YES Your MP voted NO Your constituency voted NO Your MP’s party voted NO PARLIMENTARY OUTCOME NO
  4. How often do votes end up going your way? 20%

    of votes have the outcome you want when they are taken in parliment Your satisfaction level LOW
  5. Your MP agrees with your consituency on votes 20% of

    the time Tony Benn ➞ Kemptown Tony Benn is ranked 512/500 in his level of agreement with his constituency on votes.
  6. Your constituency’s voting pattern is most closely matched to: Caroline

    Lucas, Brighton This MP is best suited to the people of Kemptown
  7. The entire country’s voting pattern is most closely matched to:

    Tony Benn, South Gloucestershire So maybe this MP should be prime minister?