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Talk: AI in the battle against fakes

Talk: AI in the battle against fakes

Counterfeit products have been a longstanding and growing pain for companies. In addition to impacting company revenue, they damage brand reputation and customer confidence. Our company was asked to build a solution for a global electronics brand that can identify counterfeit products by just taking one picture on a smartphone.

In this session we zoom into the building blocks that make this AI solution work. We’ll find out that there is much more to it than just training a convolutional neural network. We look at challenges like how to manage and monitor the AI model and how to build and improve the model in a way that fits your DevOps production chain.

Learn how we used Azure Functions, Cosmos DB and Docker to build a solid foundation. See how we used Azure Machine Learning service to train the models. And find out how we used Azure DevOps to control, build and deploy this state-of-the-art solution.

AI used to only be in the hands of data science PhDs. Now any developer can integrate this exciting technology into their next project. Join us to find out how.

Henk Boelman

April 23, 2020

More Decks by Henk Boelman

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  1. Henk Boelman Cloud Advocate @ Microsoft AI in the battle

    against fakes HenkBoelman.com @hboelman
  2. Agenda Assignment & challenges Solution architecture Basic models with Custom

    Vision Advanced models with AMLS Recap and lessons learned
  3. Ingredients Azure Durable Functions Docker Containers Azure Kubernetes Service Cosmos

    DB Azure Blob Storage Umbraco AMLS Cognitive Services Azure DevOps API Management
  4. AI Engine flow Photo of product Pre-Process image Match to

    Product in DB Text AI Logo AI Icon AI End evaluation
  5. Sophisticated pretrained models To simplify solution development Azure Databricks Machine

    Learning VMs Popular frameworks To build advanced deep learning solutions TensorFlow Keras Pytorch Onnx Azure Machine Learning Language Speech … Azure Search Vision On-premises Cloud Edge Productive services To empower data science and development teams Powerful infrastructure To accelerate deep learning Flexible deployment To deploy and manage models on intelligent cloud and edge Machine Learning on Azure Cognitive Services
  6. Object detection Classification Classification { Icon: Car Genuine: False, Score:

    95% }, { Icon: Truck Genuine: True, Score: 85% } Input Output Genuine: 2% | Fake: 95% Genuine: 85% | Fake: 3% Icon validator API
  7. Label images Export Train Model Deploy Model Test Model Visual

    Object Tagging Tool Custom Vision Service Icon detection Run test-set against model
  8. Label images Export Train Model Deploy Model Test Model Custom

    Vision Service Icon verification Custom Vision Service API Images in 2 folders Genuine / Fake Run test-set against model Image augmentation
  9. Computer Vision API Cut out PHILIPS Pre- Process Predict image

    Return Result Logo classification Icon Validator API
  10. Label images Pre process Train Model Deploy Model Test Model

    Azure Machine Learning Service Logo classification Images in 2 folders Genuine / Fake Run test-set against model Image augmentation
  11. Azure Machine Learning studio A fully-managed cloud service that enables

    you to easily build, deploy, and share predictive analytics solutions.
  12. What is Azure Machine Learning Service? Set of Azure Cloud

    Services Python SDK ✓Prepare Data ✓Build Models ✓Train Models ✓Manage Models ✓Track Experiments ✓Deploy Models That enables you to:
  13. Datasets – registered, known data sets Experiments – Training runs

    Pipelines – Workflows runs Models – Registered, versioned models Endpoints: Real-time Endpoints – Deployed model endpoints Pipeline Endpoints – Training workflows Compute – Managed compute Datastores – Connections to data Azure Machine Learning Service
  14. Create a workspace ws = Workspace.create( name='<NAME>', subscription_id='<SUBSCRIPTION ID>', resource_group='<RESOURCE

    GROUP>', location='westeurope') ws.write_config() ws = Workspace.from_config() Create a workspace
  15. Create Compute cfg = AmlCompute.provisioning_configuration( vm_size='STANDARD_NC6', min_nodes=1, max_nodes=6) cc =

    ComputeTarget.create(ws, '<NAME>', cfg) Create a workspace Create compute
  16. Create an estimator params = {'--data-folder': ws.get_default_datastore().as_mount()} estimator = PyTorch(

    source_directory = script_folder, script_params = params, compute_target = computeCluster, entry_script = 'train.py’, use_gpu = True, conda_packages = ['opencv’], framework_version=‘1.3') Create an Experiment Create a training file Create an estimator
  17. Submit the experiment to the cluster run = exp.submit(estimator) RunDetails(run).show()

    Create an Experiment Create a training file Submit to the AI cluster Create an estimator
  18. Create an Experiment Create a training file Submit to the

    AI cluster Create an estimator Demo: Creating and run an experiment
  19. Azure Notebook Compute Target Experiment Docker Image Data store 1.

    Snapshot folder and send to experiment 2. create docker image 3. Deploy docker and snapshot to compute 4. Mount datastore to compute 6. Stream stdout, logs, metrics 5. Launch the script 7. Copy over outputs
  20. Register the model model = run.register_model( model_name='SimpsonsAI', model_path='outputs') Create an

    Experiment Create a training file Submit to the AI cluster Create an estimator Register the model
  21. Create an Experiment Create a training file Submit to the

    AI cluster Create an estimator Register the model Demo: Register and test the model
  22. Score.py %%writefile score.py from azureml.core.model import Model def init(): model_root

    = Model.get_model_path('MyModel’) loaded_model = model_from_json(loaded_model_json) loaded_model.load_weights(model_file_h5) def run(raw_data): url = json.loads(raw_data)['url’] image_data = cv2.resize(image_data,(96,96)) predicted_labels = loaded_model.predict(data1) return json.dumps(predicted_labels)
  23. Environment File from azureml.core.runconfig import CondaDependencies cd = CondaDependencies.create() cd.add_conda_package('keras==2.2.2')

    cd.add_conda_package('opencv') cd.add_tensorflow_conda_package() cd.save_to_file(base_directory='./', conda_file_path='myenv.yml')
  24. Deploy to ACI aciconfig = AciWebservice.deploy_configuration( cpu_cores = 1, memory_gb

    = 2) service = Model.deploy(workspace=ws, name='simpsons-aci', models=[model], inference_config=inference_config, deployment_config=aciconfig)
  25. Deploy to AKS aks_target = AksCompute(ws,"AI-AKS-DEMO") deployment_config = AksWebservice.deploy_configuration( cpu_cores

    = 1, memory_gb = 1) service = Model.deploy(workspace=ws, name="simpsons-ailive", models=[model], inference_config=inference_config, deployment_config=deployment_config, deployment_target=aks_target) service.wait_for_deployment(show_output = True)
  26. Recap Azure Function for orchestrator Custom Vision for easy models

    Azure Machine learning Service Make services (API) for specific tasks / models GIT / CI / CD / Test everything
  27. You never have enough data Apply DevOps practices from the

    start… Break the problem into smaller pieces Think big, start small, grow fast