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Ruby & You - RuLu 2014

June 13, 2014

Ruby & You - RuLu 2014

On November 22, 2013, a devastating security exploit was publicized to the Ruby community: Heap Overflow in Floating Point Parsing CVE-2013-4164. There was no fixes provided for Ruby 1.9.2. In fact, Ruby 1.9.2 has never had a formal end of life announcement.

At Heroku we realized this impacted our ability to provide reliable runtime support. Not wanting to leave our customers high and dry, Heroku released Ruby 1.8.7 and 1.9.2 security patches on our runtimes and pushed to get them upstream.

This situation paved the way for me to join ruby-core to help maintain security fixes for 1.8.7 and 1.9.2. Over the course of the year with help from zzak, I’ve been figuring out how to work with ruby core as well as proposing policy changes for more transparency.

This talk, goes through the steps and mistakes that I learned on how to interact with members of ruby core as well as telling war stories of my experience on core. We’ll remove the opacity around getting contributions upstreamed and how you can have meaningful discussions with the implementers about the language we all know and love. Help us make Ruby better.


June 13, 2014

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  1. Top 5 Committers $ git shortlog -s --since=2012 | sort

    -rn | \ head -6 2739 nobu <--- 867 akr 710 svn 635 ko1 596 naruse 448 zzak
  2. Top 5 (Human) Committers $ git shortlog -s --since=2012 |

    sort -rn | \ head -6 2739 nobu 867 akr 710 svn <--- 635 ko1 596 naruse 448 zzak
  3. Top 5 (Human) Committers $ git shortlog -s --since=2012 |

    sort -rn | \ head -6 2739 nobu 867 akr 710 svn 635 ko1 596 naruse 448 zzak <---
  4. Metasploit def digit_pattern @digit_pattern ||= rand(10_000).to_s end def multiplier (500_000

    * (1.0/digit_pattern.size)).to_i end def evil_float_string [digit_pattern, digit_pattern * multiplier].join('.') end JSON.parse("[#{evil_float_string}]")
  5. $ ruby repro.rb [BUG] Segmentation fault ruby 2.0.0p247 (2013-06-27 revision

    41674) [x86_64-linux] -- C level backtrace information ---------------------- /../lib/libruby.so.2.0(+0x1ceaa8) [0x7f8787802aa8] /../rubies/ruby-2.0.0-p247/lib/libruby.so.2.0(+0x74e0a) /../lib/libruby.so.2.0(rb_bug+0xb3) [0x7f87876a9af3] /../lib/libruby.so.2.0(+0x14cf66) [0x7f8787780f66]
  6. Affected Versions • Ruby 1.8 after 1.8.6p230 • Ruby 1.9

    prior to 1.9.3p484 • Ruby 2.0 prior to 2.0.0p353 • Ruby 2.1 prior to 2.1.0 preview2 • trunk prior to revision 43780
  7. Solution... All users are recommended to upgrade to • Ruby

    1.9.3p484 • Ruby 2.0.0p353 • Ruby 2.1.0 preview2
  8. What about Ruby 1.8.7? Please note that Ruby 1.8 series

    or any earlier releases are already obsoleted. There is no plan to release new FIXED versions for them.
  9. A Patch in Time Heroku releases two unofficial rubies: 1.

    Ruby 1.9.2p321 2. Ruby 1.8.7p375 github.com/heroku/ruby
  10. To: cvs-admin@ruby-lang.org, shugo@ruby-lang.org, matz@ruby-lang.org, shyouhei@ruby-lang.org, zzak@ruby-lang.org At Heroku, we’re still

    maintaining security fixes for customers on 1.8.7 and 1.9.2 while we figure out our end of life process. After discussion on the security list, I’d like to apply these patches to the proper branches upstream so things don’t get out of sync. Here are the commits I’d like to apply: https://github.com/ruby/ruby/pull/457 https://github.com/ruby/ruby/pull/458 -Terence
  11. Getting on Core • Send enough patches • port Ruby

    to non-POSIX platforms • write library brought into stdilb • security backporting
  12. Getting the Source (SVN) Trunk: $ svn co http://svn.ruby-lang.org/repos/ruby/trunk ruby

    Branch: $ svn co \ http://svn.ruby-lang. org/repos/ruby/branches/ruby_2_0_0
  13. Getting the Source (git-svn) $ git clone git@github.com:ruby/ruby.git $ cd

    ruby $ git svn init \ svn+ssh://svn@ci.ruby- lang.org/ruby/trunk $ mv .git/refs/remotes/origin/trunk \ . git/refs/remotes/git-svn $ git svn rebase
  14. Top 5 (Human) Committers $ git shortlog -s --since=2012 |

    sort -rn | \ head -6 2739 nobu 867 akr 710 svn <--- 635 ko1 596 naruse 448 zzak
  15. Running Tests $ mkdir build $ autoconf $ cd build

    $ ./configure --prefix=~/tmp/xxx --enable-shared \ --with-openssl-dir=/path/to/openssl \ --with-readline-dir=/path/to/readline \ --with-zlib-dir=/path/to/zlib $ make test-all TESTS=-v
  16. Creating a Patch $ diff -pu original/ changed/ \ >

    ruby-changes.patch $ svn diff > ruby-changes.patch $ git diff > ruby-changes.patch
  17. Filing Issues • Bugs are fixed on trunk first •

    Can request backport once committed to trunk • bugs.ruby-lang.org/projects/ruby-trunk/issues/new
  18. Story: Insecure SSL Defaults • Ruby get it’s default from

    OpenSSL • Who’s responsibility is it?
  19. Ruby Core Developer Meetings • Draft an agenda • Pick

    a date (estimate) • Ask Matz • Ask ruby-core
  20. Moving to Git • Backport Tools • Redmine • Version

    Log • Others? • Convince Core • Profit…?