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Robots or Humans: How will we test all the things?

Robots or Humans: How will we test all the things?

My talk at O'Reilly Solid 2014, May 21, 2014, San Francisco, CA
"Robots or Humans: How will we test all the things?"

What will testing tools of physical products look like in the future? Software developers prefer highly automated processes to test their code. However, manual testing is often the only option available when a new technology first emerges. This talk discusses what the physical world might inherit from the software world of test automation. Who will win the testing war: robots or humans?

Jason Huggins

May 21, 2014

Other Decks in Technology


  1. Robots or Humans? How will we test all the things?

    Jason Huggins @hugs #oreillysolid
  2. A little about me… • Creator of the web testing

    tool Selenium • Co-founder (CTO / Head of Research) of Sauce Labs • Member of the tech team that helped fix HealthCare.gov
 (A totally awesome story for another day!) • Creator of the mobile testing robot Tapster @hugs #oreillysolid
  3. Image Credits Google Glass:! http://www.google.com/glass/start/assets/img/howitlooks/desktop_shades_05.jpg! ! Microsoft Kinect Sensor:! http://i.msdn.microsoft.com/dynimg/IC534687.png!

    ! Tesla:! http://image.motortrend.com/f/oftheyear/car/1301_2013_motor_trend_car_of_the_year_tesla_model_s/41007851/2013-Tesla-Model-S-cockpit.jpg! ! FuelBand:! https://www.flickr.com/photos/hiddenchemistry/8366057186/sizes/l! ! Tapster testing the FuelBand:! https://vine.co/v/bxBlBegbYmA! http://youtu.be/HEEmnwW0B58! ! Zipcar:! http://www.blogto.com/upload/20061031_ZipcarsParked.jpg! http://dru-cdn.zipcar.com/sites/default/files/images/iphone-198x422.jpg! ! Symbian SmartToaster X:! https://www.flickr.com/photos/james_nash/3404191156/sizes/o/! ! Humanoid Robot Typing at Computer:! https://www.flickr.com/photos/68386867@N05/6238277131/! ! Tapster:! http://hugs.github.io/img/tapster-ohai-black.jpg! ! The Graduate:! http://llnw.wbez.org/styles/original_image/llo/insert-images/Plastics_620x350.png @hugs #oreillysolid