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Cierre Codemotion 2017

Cierre Codemotion 2017

Nacho Coloma

November 25, 2017

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  1. Let’s go home. #CodemotionMadrid Laura Needs to sleep three days

    in a row. Abraham Will disconnect from the Internet until 2018. MAD · NOV 24-25 · 2017 Nacho Is still looking for ways to set the place on fire.
  2. Let’s go home. #CodemotionMadrid Laura Needs to sleep three days

    in a row. Abraham Will disconnect from the Internet until 2018. MAD · NOV 24-25 · 2017 Nacho Is still looking for ways to set the place on fire.
  3. #CodemotionMadrid Thanks! Thank you all for coming and helping us

    build a memorable weekend. At the time of this writing, we hope everything worked out. ▪ Sorry for the things that didn’t work. ▪ Yay (!) for the things that did. Next year we’ll do better. (that’s beer, you know?)
  4. #CodemotionMadrid Refactor. Debug. Repeat. Since 2011 we try new things

    every year. Remember what works, repeat that. Discard the rest. In 2017 we managed to reach more women to speak at Codemotion. That’s not our merit. That’s yours. In 2017 we saw speakers improve from the previous year. Not our merit either. That was also you. In 2017 we saw more accessibility talks. Yep, thanks for that too.
  5. #CodemotionMadrid The show is still on During the following weeks

    we will include the recordings and slides in the agenda. Look for the links. Show your support. Give feedback.
  6. #CodemotionMadrid Can you please do one thing? Starting tomorrow, we

    wanted to ask one thing of you. Just one. Hi there! These are the two minutes that we get serious during Codemotion. We call it our "seriousness budget"
  7. #CodemotionMadrid Get involved. Do stuff. This is all about having

    fun And learning things too. But mostly the fun stuff. But we are two freaking thousand people. We have a real chance to make a change. If we don't use this opportunity, this was just a big happy party. Which is totally fine, mind you. But we can do better.
  8. #CodemotionMadrid We are 2,000 developers. Choose your CTA. Attend a

    local meetup There are thousands of events in Spain every year, like this or better. Join or organize a local meetup Every month we meet. Be part of the conversation. Speak at a local meetup The best way of learning something is teaching others. Bring someone to speak at a local meetup You know someone better than some of the speakers you have seen here today. Bring them.
  9. #CodemotionMadrid Codemotion Awards ▪ A recognition to best talks during

    the previous Codemotion. ▪ Unique shiny thing to put on your desktop. ▪ Acknowledge that your kid needs things to break. This year the awards were assigned by an awesome jury made of awesome people. 6
  10. #CodemotionMadrid Please welcome the Jury for Codemotion Awards 2016 Laura

    Morillo GDG organizer, collaborator at AgileGirls and Tech&Ladies, Mentor at Tech Shessions. Laura Lacarra Organizer at Cachirulo Valley and WTM Zaragoza, former contributor at Betabeers and Agile Aragón Jerónimo López Former CTO at Otogami. Co-organizer at MadridJUG, Java addict, JavaScript troll. Joaquín Engelmo “Kini” Gate Guardian of Good Practices at Tuenti Javier Abadía Lead Developer en StyleSage, Big Data for Fashion Xaviju Julián Co-organizer at Open Source Design Madrid. Front-end developer at Kaleidos and Taiga.
  11. #CodemotionMadrid Cloud Knowing the state of an entire system is

    one of the hardest problems in Distributed Systems. Many independent systems and an unreliable network make difficult to know whom I can trust and avoid the problem known as a dissociative brain. A Gossip protocol is a communication protocol, a way of multicasting messages inspired by epidemics, human gossip and social networks. This talk was delivered by the Director of Engineering of a Spanish company that provides software used by Stanford, Harvard, GMail and TimeWarner. It included a live demo using a cluster of Raspberry Pis.
  12. #CodemotionMadrid Cloud Knowing the state of an entire system is

    one of the hardest problems in Distributed Systems. Many independent systems and an unreliable network make difficult to know whom I can trust and avoid the problem known as a dissociative brain. A Gossip protocol is a communication protocol, a way of multicasting messages inspired by epidemics, human gossip and social networks. This talk was delivered by the Director of Engineering of a Spanish company that provides software used by Stanford, Harvard, GMail and TimeWarner. It included a live demo using a cluster of Raspberry Pis. Félix López Gossip Protocols. Failure Detection, sharing state and other common tasks in Distributed systems
  13. #CodemotionMadrid Mobile There are many presentations about Firebase, but very

    few that applied a holistic approach. Firebase has grown to a point where it includes user authentication and authorization, push messages, object storage, remote configurations and crash reporting. This presentation not only wraps all this in 45 minutes, but also includes a bunch of real-world experience and best practices.
  14. #CodemotionMadrid Mobile There are many presentations about Firebase, but very

    few that applied a holistic approach. Firebase has grown to a point where it includes user authentication and authorization, push messages, object storage, remote configurations and crash reporting. This presentation not only wraps all this in 45 minutes, but also includes a bunch of real-world experience and best practices. Alexandru Simonescu Serverless mobile applications with Firebase
  15. #CodemotionMadrid Web For many people coming from a statically typed

    language, entering JavaScript is akin to planning a tourism trip to Mordor. Not many people know about TypeScript, a backwards-compatible extension of JavaScript to enable our tools to be more helpful while coding: detect mistakes, preview documentation, autocorrect and a bunch more. This presentation covers 138 slides in 45 minutes, for extra laughs :)
  16. #CodemotionMadrid Web For many people coming from a statically typed

    language, entering JavaScript is akin to planning a tourism trip to Mordor. Not many people know about TypeScript, a backwards-compatible extension of JavaScript to enable our tools to be more helpful while coding: detect mistakes, preview documentation, autocorrect and a bunch more. This presentation covers 138 slides in 45 minutes, for extra laughs :) Micael Gallego TypeScript: Un lenguaje aburrido para programadores torpes y tristes
  17. #CodemotionMadrid General Is the software industry growing together with their

    developers? Are we growing in the right direction, or do we incentivise toxic behaviors where having a family is incompatible with your career ladder? This talk proposed to stop talking about JS frameworks and start discussing how to outgrow a mentality that may have worked at University, but will not work ten years after. This speaker was originally part of the jury. Then we had to vote to kick him out because otherwise we could not give him this award. We all voted yes to that. We are bad people.
  18. #CodemotionMadrid General Is the software industry growing together with their

    developers? Are we growing in the right direction, or do we incentivise toxic behaviors where having a family is incompatible with your career ladder? This talk proposed to stop talking about JS frameworks and start discussing how to outgrow a mentality that may have worked at University, but will not work ten years after. This speaker was originally part of the jury. Then we had to vote to kick him out because otherwise we could not give him this award. We all voted yes to that. We are bad people. Jorge Barroso Time to grow up
  19. #CodemotionMadrid New Category: Community The Community Category is a new

    recognition to the impact of people that work with our communities, investing tons of time to make our meetups happen.
  20. #CodemotionMadrid New Category: Community WTM is a community that promotes

    the visibility and the integration of women in tech by organising events with women speakers and working with initiatives such as GDG, TechShessions or Pyladies to increase the diversity in all the communities. Women Techmakers A community of women that helps other communities
  21. #CodemotionMadrid Ever dreamed about making your own video game? Creating

    a video game is a titanic project that involves multiple profiles and a whole spectrum of disciplines. During these two days, 50 indie game studios shared with us their behind-the-scene experiences building their own games. Huge thanks to Nivel Oculto and Video Game Army, who put together an exciting space for creativity and sharing, for their peers and any developers interested.
  22. #CodemotionMadrid New Category: Indie Mad After two days of voting,

    the fine folks at Indie Mad have decided that this team has gone above and beyond to deliver a unique piece of craft. Greyfall is an RPG where the player can use elements of the scenario to form different strategy mechanics in combat. Its solid and polished finishing brings it close to the AAA while maintaining an independent spirit in its formal proposal. Therion Games Greyfall
  23. #CodemotionMadrid Dirt Devil Spider ▪ Because you could be coding

    the next Twitter instead of vacuum cleaning. ▪ Because you always wanted a pet, but you could not keep a plant alive. ▪ Because you can stick a Darth Vader action figure on top of it and have Lord Vader clean your house. So, tweet @codemotion_es: What did you like the most today?
  24. #CodemotionMadrid Fitbit Charge 2 ▪ Because you need something to

    monitor your heart rate during the WWDC Keynote ▪ Because you *think* that playing League of Legends counts as exercising, but you need proof. ▪ Because running in style burns more calories. So, tweet @codemotion_es: Where do you feel like we can improve?
  25. #CodemotionMadrid Bose® SoundLink ® II with Bluetooth Because ▪ DAMN

    THIS SHIT IS SEXY. So, tweet @codemotion_es: With which community are you planning to get involved?
  26. #CodemotionMadrid Thanks to our awesome team of volunteers ▪ They

    carried twice 2,000 lunch boxes ▪ They checked in 2,000 tickets. ▪ They prepared and distributed 2,000 wristbands, t-shirts, bags and badges ▪ They kept track of time for our speakers ▪ They run to help every time that something failed. ▪ They hauled like a gazillion liters of water. ▪ They managed a cloakroom and didn’t lose a single thing. ▪ They directed people to the right place. And they missed most of the talks. Let’s hear it for our awesome team of volunteers.
  27. #CodemotionMadrid That’s all folks! Thanks for coming, and thanks for

    all the energy these two days. Lots of food for thought, I guess. Lots to digest And in one year, if all is good, let’s meet up again.