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Convincing people to use a better tech

αλεx π
January 17, 2014

Convincing people to use a better tech

αλεx π

January 17, 2014


  1. • Talk by an ADD guy • Concentration is hard

    when tooling is bad • Better tooling makes people happier • Productivity is orthogonal to tooling
  2. • Take it or leave it talk • Not positive

    at all • Tellin’ you what to do • If you don’t have that problem, it’s not for you • You’re not going to like what I say, because it’s hard to follow • Not an inspirational talk, go to TED for these • Subjective and arrogant • Full of body-builders quotes
  3. What people usually think • (almost) never want to “downshift”,

    even for better • rarely want to learn new stuff
  4. What people usually think • (almost) never want to “downshift”,

    even for better • rarely want to learn new stuff
  5. Learning • I’ve read a book on that programming language

    • I’ve went through all Katas • I can’t find where to apply that
  6. Learning (how it should be) • I’ve tried to solve

    the problem with the tool • I know how it works • I know why it’s better • I’m able to teach people about it • I’m willing to invest my time or sacrifice money-wise • I can apply what I’ve learned to what I have right now • Even without using the tool itself
  7. Learning (how it should be) • I can apply what

    I’ve learned to what I have right now • Even without using the tool itself • WAT? • Message queues • Programming paradigms • New libraries • New approaches • Databases
  8. Learning (how it should be) • Message queues • Just

    use in-memory queue, when it’s not enough, you know next steps already • Build for scale and distribution, don’t think you’ll re- architect everything spontaneously
  9. Learning (how it should be) • Databases • Do you

    really need it? • What can you do to your data model to use concepts from your favourite DB right now?
  10. What people usually think • (almost) never want to “downshift”,

    even for better • rarely want to learn new stuff
  11. Downshifting • If you’re a senior guy, most likely you’ll

    never need to • Proper learning makes you better with your current tooling • I can’t find where to apply my knowledge
  12. Summary • Learn properly, learn deeply • Investigate, understand underlying

    concepts • Find an open-source project • Start a pet project • Tell people about how awesome it is
  13. Never tell people how to do things. Tell them what

    to do and they will surprise you with their ingenuity.
  14. Bullying people • Our database is crap • Or maybe

    your data model is? • We need a message queue, now • But our in our current architecture everything’s hardcoded • That language will solve everything • Except it won’t
  15. Be gentle • Hey, check it out, isn’t that something

    we need? • Hey guys, I want to organise an internal workshop for you • Hey guys, I have a little prototype I made during my spare time • Hey guys, I’ve been playing with that framework, it suits our next project really well
  16. Be positive • Criticism will only put people against you

    • Being a “smartass” won’t get you where you want • Let people come to your conclusion themselves • Empower you team • Let that “thought leadership” be your thing
  17. Be extravert • People don’t believe I hate giving talks

    • Just as introverted as the other guy • Exhausted after every meetup • Exhausted even after 1-2h meetings
  18. Don’t complain • Stick your pain in your butt •

    If you think being more open to people is hard, try bench press or long-distance running • It’s your life, and you want to make a leap • World is against you • Rage against the “machine”
  19. Don’t be lazy • Sacrifice your time • Invest into

    your future • Buy books, read books • Get Safari Books Online subscription, read a couple books a month • Have a plan • Have an idea
  20. Work with right people • Motivate your team • Get

    excited together • Don’t wage an internal war • Compromise on conflicts • Don’t wait for changes, make changes
  21. Work with right people • If you can’t motivate them,

    it’s your problem • If you tried really hard and can’t change people, remove people • If you can’t remove them, work processes around them
  22. What is even better? • Gets job done faster •

    Gets job done clearer • Easier to maintain • Makes team cooperate • Gets everyone involved
  23. Have an open source project • Makes you a better

    programmer • Lets you meet other people • Lets you learn about other people’s problems
  24. Open source project • You probably won’t get 1K stars

    on github in a month • Not even in half a year • Not from the first try
  25. Open source project • You DO have a problem that’s

    open-sourcable • You DO have time to develop it during work hours • You CAN make it happen in your working place ! Everything else is just a complaint