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What about Java EE Security?

What about Java EE Security?

In order to secure your Java EE application today, you will most likely have to use some vendor proprietary features or 3rd party frameworks, or both.

The existing set of specifications range from overly complex to non-existent which has resulted in that almost nobody uses standards for security in Java EE applications.

The Java EE Security API (JSR 375), which is targeted for the upcoming Java EE 8 and 9 releases, addresses this issue by standardizing security APIs and establishing a common terminology. Features that are planned for the first version include APIs for authentication, authorization, user context, security context and more.

This demo-driven session will get you up to speed with the current state for this JSR and ‘Soteria’, the Reference Implementation. The slides will be backed up of live code examples.


May 18, 2017

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  1. @ivar_grimstad #JavaEE #JSR375 August 2014 First Proposal December 2014 Approved

    by JCP Executive Committee March 2015 Expert Group starts discussions November 2015 Passed Renewal Ballot October 2016 Expert Group v2
  2. @ivar_grimstad #JavaEE #JSR375 Adam Bien David Blevins, Tomitribe Rudy De

    Busscher Ivar Grimstad Les Hazlewood, Stormpath, Inc. Werner Keil Matt Konda, Jemurai Alexander Kosowski, Oracle Darran Lofthouse, Red Hat Jean-Louis Monteiro, Tomitribe Ajay Reddy, IBM Pedro Igor Silva, Red Hat Arjan Tijms, Payara Specification Lead: Will Hopkins, Oracle Elder Moraes Fatih Mutluay Reza Rahman Expert Group Contributors JSR 371 - Expert Group
  3. @ivar_grimstad #JavaEE #JSR375 Standardize Terminology API for Authentication Mechanism API

    for Identity Store API for Security Context API for Password Aliasing API for Role/Permission Assignment API for Authorization Interceptors
  4. @ivar_grimstad #JavaEE #JSR375 Authentication - OpenIDConnect Authorization Secret Management Secure

    Microservices Packaging, Configuration, Binding Standardize Terminology API for Authentication Mechanism API for Identity Store API for Security Context Java EE 9 Java EE 8
  5. @ivar_grimstad #JavaEE #JSR375 User, or Caller, Something else? Group of

    users, permissions, roles? Authentication mechanism Identity store
  6. @ivar_grimstad #JavaEE #JSR375 Proprietary server support 3rd party security frameworks

    provide authentication JASPIC: Java Authentication Service Provider Interface
 for Containers Authentication Mechanism
  7. @ivar_grimstad #JavaEE #JSR375 No Java EE standard support Only proprietary

    server support 3rd party security frameworks provide user/group APIs Identity Store
  8. @ivar_grimstad #JavaEE #JSR375 @EmbeddedIdentityStoreDefinition({ @Credentials(callerName = "reza", password = "secret1",

    groups = { "foo", "bar" }), @Credentials(callerName = "alex", password = "secret2", groups = { "foo", "kaz" }), @Credentials(callerName = "arjan", password = "secret3", groups = { "foo" }) } ) Embedded
  9. @ivar_grimstad #JavaEE #JSR375 No Java EE standard support 3rd party

    security frameworks provide a security context Security Context
  10. @ivar_grimstad #JavaEE #JSR375 Candidates for Focus in Java EE 9

    Security in Packaging, Configuration, Build Microservices Security