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Problems of Neural Networks and its solutions

Problems of Neural Networks and its solutions

Residual Connections とBatch Normalizationがメイン


June 21, 2018

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  1. 2 / 18 1. NN  !   

      • Residual Network • Batch Normalization 2. 1.   •   •  
  2. 3 / 18 Plain NNs(&) '   pros #%

    "  (ex. CNN, RNN, ...) cons !  $ $ 
  3. 4 / 18 RNN  RNN [1] P. Razvan et

    al ,"On the difficulty of training recurrent neural networks." International Conference on Machine Learning. 2013. !"#$ !" %"&$ %"#$ %" %"&$ '() '() '() '*+, '*+, -!"# = /(!!"# ) -! -!$# %! : input !! :   hidden state '%&' :   '() : input /   !" = '*+, 2 !"#$ + '() %"
  4. 5 / 18 !" !# !$ %" %# %$ &'(

    &'( &'( &)*+ &)*+ ,! = .(!! ) ," ,# RNN  3 1, 12 = 1," 12 + 1,# 12 + 1,$ 12 1,$ 12 = 4 "565$ 1,$ 1!$ 7 1!$ 1!6 7 18!6 12 1!$ 1!" = 1!$ 1!# 7 1!# 1!" = &)*+ 9 :;<= >? !# 7 &)*+ 9 :;<= >? !" @A!B @C : !" ~!6E" fix !6  
  5. 6 / 18 RNN  Vanishing/Exploding Gradient : !"#$ !%&

     '( )( … … )* '* ………… ………… +( +* !"#$ (-) !%& (-) '% …… '/ )/ +/
  6. 7 / 18 ,$+ /' !"#$ !- !"#$ 2 %

    × '()* + ×%,- → # !"#$      !"#$ . 2 % × '()*(+).,-×%,-   1%input   or 1)* Loss(  RNN ."0& Vanishing/Exploding Gradient
  7. 8 / 18 +$   DeepNN(  ! +

    " )*&!/#% '  (→ ! Loss func ! Loss func   → Residual Connection, Batch No malization 
  8. 9 / 18 0), : Residual Connection – -– F(x)

    "/#2 → "/ F(x) + x  → (4 '$"/ Identity Mapping +%*1&: 3 . !   3  Identity – [1] He, Kaiming, et al. "Identity mappings in deep residual networks." European Conference on Computer Vision. Springer, Cham, 2016.
  9. 10 / 18  : Residual Connection –– ' Forward

      $#& Backward  !$"& Deep  %   & input
  10. 12 / 18 ResNet  Batch Normalization ResNet Residual Block

    • ImplementationBatch Normalization NN ! $# • Batch Normalization"    ## http://torch.ch/blog/2016/02/04/resnets.html Plain
  11. 13 / 18  (  ) 1  2

     ( ) n   … Batch Normalization –Revisit Gaussian-    
  12. 14 / 18 Batch Normalization -Input Data distribution  

     -  (Convergence) !! Input NN  →  input   
  13. 15 / 18 Batch Normalization -distribution - !"#$% & '

    = ) & ' ← ' − , - ~/(,, -2)     input  
  14. 16 / 18 Batch Normalization Data distribution •  

    =(!, ")fix • Batch Normalization      Batch Normalization    
  15. 17 / 18 Batch Normalization –   [2]Ioffe, Sergey,

    and Christian Szegedy. "Batch Normalization: Accelerating Deep Network Training by Reducing Internal Covariate Shift." (2015). !, # !%$( →  normalize scaling '"&#   nomalize
  16. 18 / 18    DeepNN+  ! /

    & -"#.#)%/'( *$ +!→   ,  Identity – normalize  scaling implement  Deep Net