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Designing a Real Time Game Engine in Erlang

Designing a Real Time Game Engine in Erlang

Talk delivered at Midwest.io

Jade Allen

July 15, 2014

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  1. What's so great about it? •  Great industrial grade concurrency

    model •  Network transparency •  Good at slicing and dicing network protocols •  "For free" SMP scaling (up to about 8 cores) •  Fault tolerance mechanisms help avoid "defensive coding" •  Replace/upgrade running code without downtime •  Makes hard things easy
  2. What sucks about it? •  String handling is stupid. • 

    Syntax is off-putting. •  Library support isn't that great. •  A bit of a learning curve. •  Sometimes makes easy things hard.
  3. Erlang types •  Integers (example: 42) •  Floats (example: 3.14159)

    •  Binary data - TCP packet or JPG file (example: <<205, 72, 29, 1, 0, 92>>) •  Binary strings (example: <<"Hello world!">>) •  Tuples (example: {key, <<"Value">>}) •  Lists (example: [21, <<"foobar">>, 98.6]) •  Atoms (examples: 'error', 'Foo', 'POST') •  Functions (example: fun timer:sleep(2000) end)
  4. -module(fizzbuzz). -export([t/0]). t() -> fizzbuzz(lists:seq(1, 100)). fizzbuzz([H | T]) ->

    case {H rem 3, H rem 5} of {0, 0} -> io:format("fizzbuzz~n"); {0, _} -> io:format("fizz~n"); {_, 0} -> io:format("buzz~n"); {_, _} -> io:format("~p~n", [H]) end, fizzbuzz(T).
  5. -module(fizzbuzz). -export([t/0]). t() -> fizzbuzz(lists:seq(1, 100)). fizzbuzz([H | T]) ->

    case {H rem 3, H rem 5} of {0, 0} -> io:format("fizzbuzz~n", []); {0, _} -> io:format("fizz~n", []); {_, 0} -> io:format("buzz~n", []); {_, _} -> io:format("~p~n", [H]) end, fizzbuzz(T).
  6. -module(fizzbuzz). -export([t/0]). t() -> fizzbuzz(lists:seq(1, 100)). fizzbuzz([H | T]) ->

    case {H rem 3, H rem 5} of {0, 0} -> io:format("fizzbuzz~n", []); {0, _} -> io:format("fizz~n", []); {_, 0} -> io:format("buzz~n", []); {_, _} -> io:format("~p~n", [H]) end, fizzbuzz(T).
  7. -module(fizzbuzz). -export([t/0]). t() -> fizzbuzz(lists:seq(1, 100)). fizzbuzz([H | T]) ->

    case {H rem 3, H rem 5} of {0, 0} -> io:format("fizzbuzz~n", []); {0, _} -> io:format("fizz~n", []); {_, 0} -> io:format("buzz~n", []); {_, _} -> io:format("~p~n", [H]) end, fizzbuzz(T).
  8. -module(fizzbuzz). -export([t/0]). t() -> fizzbuzz(lists:seq(1, 100)). fizzbuzz([H | T]) ->

    case {H rem 3, H rem 5} of {0, 0} -> io:format("fizzbuzz~n", []); {0, _} -> io:format("fizz~n", []); {_, 0} -> io:format("buzz~n", []); {_, _} -> io:format("~p~n", [H]) end, fizzbuzz(T).
  9. -module(fizzbuzz). -export([t/0]). t() -> fizzbuzz(lists:seq(1, 100)). fizzbuzz([H | T]) ->

    case {H rem 3, H rem 5} of {0, 0} -> io:format("fizzbuzz~n", []); {0, _} -> io:format("fizz~n", []); {_, 0} -> io:format("buzz~n", []); {_, _} -> io:format("~p~n", [H]) end, fizzbuzz(T).
  10. -module(fizzbuzz). -export([t/0]). t() -> fizzbuzz(lists:seq(1, 100)). fizzbuzz([H | T]) ->

    case {H rem 3, H rem 5} of {0, 0} -> io:format("fizzbuzz~n", []); {0, _} -> io:format("fizz~n", []); {_, 0} -> io:format("buzz~n", []); {_, _} -> io:format("~p~n", [H]) end, fizzbuzz(T).
  11. 1.  What kind of game to design? 2.  Decomposing the

    game entities into processes. 3.  Deciding what state each process should manage.
  12. Port processes manage: •  A list of traders currently there

    (arrive, depart) •  A dictionary of goods (buy, sell) •  The quantity and current price of goods for sale
  13. Player processes manage: •  Current location •  Current amount of

    cash •  Current inventory of goods •  Current cargo capacity
  14. Game events are interactions between ports and players. •  Model

    ports and players as generic servers (gen_servers) •  Human -> Player API -> player gen_server -> port gen_server
  15. % API (to be called from the outside) % makes

    message format and data opaque move(Who, Where) -> case whereis(Where) of undefined -> error_logger:error_msg("There is no port named ~p", [Where]); _Pid -> gen_server:call(Who, {move, Where}) end. Example: move(Who, Where)
  16. % elsewhere in the gen_server implementation handle_call({move, Where}, _From, State

    = #state{ port = undefined }) -> parque_port:arrive(Where, self()), {reply, ok, State#state{ port = Where }}; handle_call({move, Where}, _From, State = #state{ port = Port }) -> parque_port:leave(Port, self()), parque_port:arrive(Where, self()), {reply, ok, State#state{ port = Where }};
  17. Wire up rest of player actions: •  buy(Who, What, Qty)

    •  sell(Who, What, Qty) •  Might be sensing a pattern...
  18. Wire up port API/message handlers: •  buy(Where, Who, What, Qty)

    •  sell(Where, Who, What, Qty) •  get_price(Where, What, Qty) •  list(Where) •  state(Where)
  19. Control flow example parque_player:buy('Jane', <<"fish">>, 10). 1.  'Jane' process exists?

    2.  Send 'Jane' process a message to buy fish for 10. 3.  'Jane' is in a port? 4.  'Jane' has sufficient capacity? 5.  'Jane' can afford price * qty? 6.  Send port process buy message (updates port state if request successful; port also notifies other player processes of buy activity) 7.  If successful reply from port process, update 'Jane' state
  20. Erlang is a good fit for highly reactive problems that

    require concurrency and (soft) real-time performance. Erlang is not (too) scary. Try it; you might like it. Writing games as a side project is very fun.